one hundred and thirteen.

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"Alex Dupree is perfect for the face of my new line. She's smart, she's talented, and she's beautiful. Millie was right," Brooke says as she pauses the tape that Julian had sent them as a favor.

"Apparently she had to be checked in to rehab," Sam says as she takes a seat on the couch.

"Oh," Brooke says, "Well my feelings have not changed. I still think she'd be perfect for the new line. What do you think, Parker?"

Parker steps out from their bedroom, drying her hair, "She's pretty."

"Pretty? She's gorgeous!" Brooke looks at the screen, tilting her head, "She kind of looks like me."

"She looks nothing like you," Sam says dryly.

"Whatever," Brooke says with an eye roll, "How'd you get these tapes?"

Parker tosses her towel in the laundry room before joining Sam and Brooke on the couch, "Julian called in a favor. These are top secret so if you guys show them to anybody, I might have to kill you."

"Yeah right," Sam snorts.

"Hey, I can be threatening."

"I've seen children scarier than you," Sam retorts.

"You know, we were considering letting you skip school to come with us to Spain, but you just ruined it."

"Wait really?" Sam asks as she looks over at Brooke, "Please tell me she's kidding?"

"She's kidding," Brooke informs her, "We had no intention of bringing you to Spain."

"You guys are actually the worse," Sam states.

Parker smiles and looks over at Brooke, "You know if you're going to have Alex be the face of your new line, then there's someone else that you might want to join her."

"Who? Haley?" Brooke asks and Parker laughs.

"No! Rachel," Parker says, "She's coming back from Brazil soon. She said she wanted to take a break and some more local gigs. Maybe you guys could work together again."

"Ugh fine, but only because I may need a potential bridesmaid," Brooke states and Sam snorts on the other side of Parker.

"Seriously? You're going to have your future wife's only serious girlfriend in the wedding?" Sam asks.

"Before Rachel and I dated, Brooke and Rachel – hated each other," Parker realizes, "But after we broke up, they were friends, and then they hated each other again."

"But now that I have defeated Rachel once and for all and Parker is officially mine, I think a bridesmaid position is on the table for her," Brooke says with a smile, "Besides it would be much worse if Rachel were Parker's bridesmaid."

"Funny," Parker retorts.

"Anyway," Brooke states, "Alex is the new face of my line. I'm calling Millicent."

"You do that, my beautiful fiancé," Parker responds. Brooke grins and leans down, planting a kiss on Parker's lips before heading upstairs.

There's a loud knock on the front door and Parker glances over to Sam to see that the teen was making no move for the door, so Parker sighs as she stands up, "Guess I'll get it then."

Parker opens the door and her jaw drops, "Dad?"

"Parker!" Her father says.

"Dad?" Sam asks as she appears behind Parker.

"You must be Sam, my granddaughter," her dad says as he pushes past Parker and hugs Sam. The teen looks confused, but returns the embrace, patting Derek on the back. Parker looks at her father really confused.

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