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Parker had a hickey on her neck. Actually, she had several hickeys on her neck and in other places. Rachel had told her she liked to mark her territory and she hadn't been lying. Parker looked at herself in the mirror and realized that there was no way she was going to be able to cover all of the marks.

Parker's phone rang and she answered it, "Hello."

"Hey Parker, listen I have a limited amount of time and I need you to do me a huge favor," Haley's voice said from the other side of the line.

"Okay," Parker said, "What's up?"

"I'm in jail," Haley told her, and a giggle escaped Parker. Haley? In jail? There was no way.

"Nice joke Hales," Parker said, looking back in the mirror, maybe she could put make up on the hickeys. She'd seen it on television before.

"I'm serious! Brooke stole her designs from Suburban Filth and so I got arrested for wearing one of the shirts," Haley said, and Parker's concern actually started to kick in.

"Oh, are you okay?"

Haley laughed, "I'm fine, I just need you to bail us out. Brooke has some money in her bottom drawer if you need it."

"Okay yeah, I'll be right over," Parker said as the call ended. She looked at herself in the mirror and settled on wearing a turtleneck sweater before deciding to head over to Haley and Brooke's apartment.

The door was unlocked as Parker entered and headed to the bedroom and looked in Brooke's bottom drawer for the extra cash. Parker could pay for the entire bail, but she wasn't paying for Brooke's half, that was coming from Brooke herself.

She looked in the drawer and found the cash along with another box, one filled with several different letters, all addressed to her like Haley had said. Parker's breath caught in her throat because Haley had been right. There was a chance that Brooke still had feelings for her, but Parker couldn't. She was moving on and she was happy.

She closed the drawer and she left the apartment.

When she arrived at the jail she paid for the bail and waited for Peyton, Brooke, and Haley. The three of them walked out and Parker shook her head, "I can't believe you guys stole that stuff."

"In Brooke's defense, they were her designs and they stole them first," Peyton said.

"And I didn't steal anything," Haley said defensively.

Parker looked over at Brooke who didn't meet her gaze at all. Parker sighed as she looked at the three of them, "Come on I'll give you guys a ride."

"Wait," Haley said stopping Parker before she could get into the car. She reached up and tugged down Parker's sweater. Her eyes widen as she saw the marking littering Parker's neck, "What the hell! Where'd you get these?"

Parker slapped Haley's hand away and glanced over at the car to see Brooke staring out the window sadly, "It's not important."

"Have you been sleeping with Jason?" Haley asked, then her eyes grew wide, "Please tell me it isn't Rachel." Parker says nothing and stares at the ground guiltily, "Parker!"

"Look I'll talk to you about it later," Parker says as she pushes Haley into the car.

"Fine," Haley says, "But you would have been better off using make up instead of wearing a turtleneck. It's like seventy degrees."

Parker rolled her eyes as she got in the car. She dropped Peyton off first, then she headed over to Haley and Brooke's apartment. Haley got out of the car, but Brooke lingered, climbing into the front seat.

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