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"I want to dump you."

The Clean Teen shirts weren't that bad, but it was the looks that came with wearing the shirt. Either she was getting hit on or people were asking her if she was really a virgin. It was weird that most of the school knew about her relationship with Brooke yet chose to ignore it.

"That's an empty threat," Brooke says as she takes a seat at the picnic table, "And you didn't have to wear the shirt."

"But everyone wears theirs every day!" Parker pouts, "You could've at least given me a heads up."

"Good morning you two," Rachel says sliding into the seat beside Parker. She notices Rachel has on her Clean Teen shirt too and can't understand why she didn't look as miserable as Parker feels.

"What's got you so happy?" Brooke asks, "Did you do something slutty?"

"This shirt is like a guy magnet," Rachel says smiling happily. She glances over at Parker, "You still have my heart, babe."

Parker chuckles, "Glad to hear it."

"But seriously, I have never gotten so much attention with clothes on before. Can't you tell the difference, Parker?"

"Yeah, like three guys asked if they could 'liberate' me or something like that," Parker mutters, avoiding the gaze of her girlfriend. Rachel laughs from beside her.

"Uh oh, jealous Brooke has come to play," Rachel teases.

"I'm not jealous!" Brooke exclaims, "I just think that was extremely inappropriate, that's all."

"Good morning ladies," Shelley says as she joins them, the rest of the Clean Teens behind her. A smile graces Shelley's face, "Parker that shirt looks amazing on you!"

"Oh thanks," Parker says, "So do we have to wear these like every day or..."

"It's the only way to show you've chosen a life of celibacy," Shelley says grinning, "So yes."

Parker forces a pained smile, "Great. It's a great thing I love these shirts."

Shelley looks at Brooke who doesn't have her Clean Teen shirt on and frowns, "Brooke, you're not wearing your shirt."

Brooke looks down at herself and forces a laugh, "Oops, it seems I forgot it at home."

"No worries," Shelley says reaching into her bag and producing a pink Clean Teens shirt, "I have extra."

Brooke takes the shirt and puts it on begrudgingly. Brooke looks over at Parker who smirks at her.

"Hey Shelley," a guy says walking over to join them.

"Oh have you guys met Chase? He's our newest member, he just transferred here from Westerberg."

Parker looked at him and thought he was cute in that sort of unassuming way. She stood up and held her hand out to him, "Hi, I'm Parker."

He shook her hand and smiled at her, "I'm Chase."

"I know," Parker says with a laugh.

"I'm Brooke," she says with a wave.


Shelley smiles at them, "Well I have to show Chase around, but I'll see you guys at lunch?"

Brooke lets out a pained laugh, "You sure will."

Shelley waves and heads into the school with Chase, the rest of the Clean Teens following after them. Parker looks over at Brooke and smiles at her, "He was kinda cute."

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