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"So, I went to talk to Lucas to try to make amends and guess who is sleeping in his bed?"

"This should be a hard one," Parker says, her voice coming out monotone, "Peyton."

"Yes!" Brooke exclaims, "I can't believe them."

Rachel sighs from beside Brooke, "Please move on from this. If Lucas wants to go to boring Peyton town, then let him."

Parker shrugs as she looks at Rachel, "I mean I would be upset if you got with Haley after we broke up."

Rachel smirks, "Kinda like how you got with Brooke after we broke up?"

Parker's smile fades, "Wait are you upset about that?"

Rachel rolls her eyes playfully and smiles at Parker, "You're literally too sweet. No, I'm not upset about that, besides I still hated Brooke when you two mended things."

"Aww I love this," Brooke says closing her locker, "You two talking like I'm not even here."

"Sorry," Parker says, "Back to Peyton and Lucas. At this point, the two of them deserve each other. Let's stay out of the way of the Leyton train and keep it moving."

Rachel laughs as she points a finger at the two of them, "Wait, that makes you two Barker."

"Or Prooke," Parker immediately regrets the word as soon as she says it, "You know what? Barker's fine."

"Could be worse," Brooke says, "We could be Naley."

"Bad name combo," Parker says shaking her head, "Great relationship though."

"They need a good relationship to make up for everything else they're lacking," Rachel says, "Which is apparently condoms."

Parker snorts, "Okay that was a good one."

"Hey, so are the two of you going to help me set up the banquet for tonight?" Brooke asks, "We have basketball and cheer awards."

"Cheer?" Parker asks, "How can you have a most valuable cheerleader?"

"Or," Rachel says with a grin, "Peppiest cheerleader. You know what? We should give that award to Peyton."

Parker bites her lip to prevent herself from saying anything, even though that sounds like a really good idea, "Rachel," she scolds weakly.

Rachel smiles, "I know you like the idea, Parker. It's okay to drop the good girl act every once in a while."

"Anyway," Brooke says, regaining control of the conversation, "We already voted for the award and it isn't MVP or peppiest cheerleader."

"Wait," Parker says, "I wasn't there when we voted for this."

"Me either," Rachel says frowning, "Did you call a meeting?"

"I did," Brooke says coolly, "And you missed it. Both of you did."

Parker frowns at the thought of being absent at a meeting, "I can't believe I missed a meeting."

"It's okay," Rachel says, "I missed it too."

"But you miss things all the time," Parker says, "I used to have perfect attendance until sophomore year when I caught the flu."

Brooke laughs softly, placing a hand on Parker's shoulder, "It's okay that you missed the meeting Parker. We just voted; it wasn't a big deal."

"Okay," Parker says, but there's still a pout on her lips.

"Well, she and I need to talk," Rachel says, grabbing Parker's arm. Brooke opens her mouth to protest, but Rachel simply winks before tugging Parker in the opposite direction.

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