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Parker opened the front door and saw Brooke standing there with a wide smile. Parker sighed as she looked at Brooke, leaning against the threshold of her door, "What do you want?"

"Not the greeting I was going for," Brooke says as she pushes past Parker and enters the house, "But I have news!"


"We're throwing Haley and Nathan a reception party!" Brooke squeals, "Since you stole Maid of Honor from right under my nose."

Parker scoffs, "I didn't steal it. I've known Haley since we were eight, you became her friend last year."

"You don't even want to be Maid of Honor," Brooke states crossing her arms over her chest and Parker frowns.

"Listen here, Brooke," Parker says pointing a finger in Brooke's face, "I've planned to be Haley's Maid of Honor for the last ten years and I will not let you ruin this for me."

"I'm not trying to ruin it," Brooke tells her, "I just think that I would be a better Maid of Honor."

Parker rolls her eyes, "Just because you're Brooke and you have a thing for planning parties, doesn't mean that you'd be a better Maid of Honor than me."

"That's exactly why I'd be a better Maid of Honor," Brooke tells her, "But that's beside the point. We're throwing Nathan and Haley a party. I've got their story on tape and I need you to write the script."

"Why is it that whenever you need something, you just expect me to do it for you?" Parker wonders.

"Because you're the only person I can count on," Brooke says with a smile, "So?"

Parker sighs and nods her head, "Give me the tape and I'll write the stupid script."

"You're the best," Brooke tells her, she rushes forward and presses a kiss to Parker's cheek before reaching into her pocket and giving her the tape recorder. Parker takes it and purses her lips.

"I have to go make Haley's wedding dress, but I'll check in on you later," Brooke tells her. She then kisses Parker on the cheek and rushes out the front door. Parker stares at the recorder before heading up to her room to write the scripts.


"Hey Photographer Girl," Brooke says as Parker enters TRIC. She skips over to her and smiles widely. Parker smiles and hands Brooke the script.

"The entire Haley and Nathan story," Parker says, "Very cringy at points."

"All love stories are cringy at some point," Brooke says, "I mean think about our first kiss."

Parker nods as she recalls her mom walking in on Brooke on top of her, "Yeah that was very embarrassing. There's also the things that we said to each other on our time capsule videos."

Brooke laughs, "I'm your Lamborghini."

Parker's cheeks flush, "Yeah, well you said that I made you believe in true love."

Brooke's smile softens as she looks at Parker, "That's because you did. You're still the reason I believe in true love."

"Brooke," Parker says softly, "You're still with Lucas."

"I'll end things when he gets back," Brooke says, "I just don't want to hurt him more, you know? But I think our time apart has made things easier. I don't know."

Parker sighs, "I don't mean to rush you, Lucas is my best friend and I'd never want to hurt him. I just miss you."

"I miss you too," Brooke says, "God, you have no idea how much I miss you."

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