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Parker had been staying at Haley's for the past week, though Parker's presence certainly didn't make up for Nathan, it was a distraction for Haley and Jamie, their presence doing the same for her.

"Aunt Parker are you living with us now?" Jamie asks as he sits beside her, kicking his little legs happily.

"No, she is not," Haley says as she places a plate of pancakes and bacon in front of her son. Haley had made a smiley face using the food and seemed proud of her work. She smiles widely at Jamie, waiting for a reaction.

"Then is daddy coming home?" Jamie asks and Haley's smile slips off her face.

"Daddy might not be home for a while," Haley answers and Jamie lets out a little sigh. He takes the bacon, which had been the mouth of the smiley face, and flips it over so that now the face was frowning.

"Well that's heartbreaking," Parker mutters. She reaches over and grabs the bacon from Jamie's plate and shoves it into her mouth. Jamie looks at her with a frown and Parker smiles innocently at him.

"Mama, she ate my bacon!"

"Nuh-uh!" Parker exclaims.

"Did too!" Jamie says getting into her face.

Parker places her arm on the counter, "Arm wrestle me for the truth."

Jamie accepts the challenge as he places his little hand in hers. Parker allows Jamie to get the upper hand before pushing back a little. Jamie ends up using both of his hands and Parker laughs as she lets Jamie beat her.

"I win!" Jamie exclaims.

"You cheated," Parker tells him, "You were only supposed to use one hand."

Jamie sticks his tongue out and Parker does the same.

"Alright children," Haley says, "Uncle Skills will be here soon, so eat your breakfast."

"Yes mama," Jamie says as he begins eating his pancakes.

Parker rubs Jamie's head affectionately before heading into the kitchen where Haley was drinking a cup of coffee, "So what are we doing for Lindsey's bachelorette party?"

"Lindsey said that she wanted something small here," Haley answers, "Think you can help me set up?"

"If I have to," Parker says dramatically, earning a slap on the shoulder from Haley. Parker laughs at Haley and when her laughter comes to a stop, she thanks her friend, "Thanks for letting me stay here."

"Thank you for staying here," Haley tells her, "You make it easier."

"Yeah, you make it easier too," Parker says with a small smile, "But you're gonna have to explain things to Jamie at some point."

"I will," Haley says, "When he's thirty."

Parker laughs softly at that, "Sooner than that, Hales."

"Twenty-one then," Haley says as she starts cleaning up the mess she made in the kitchen. Parker sighs and shakes her head, knowing that Haley wasn't budging on the topic.

"Well, I'm gonna go back to my place. I only packed sweatpants and I don't think that's appropriate for a bachelorette party," Parker says and Haley nods.

"Yeah please don't," Haley tells her, "Think you'll be okay going back there?"

"As long as I don't see Brooke, everything should be fine," Parker says biting her lip. She had gone off on Brooke for no reason when in reality all she had done was tell the truth. She was still mad at her, but she did owe her an apology, "I may have snapped at her after Rachel left."

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