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"Are you home yet? I'm bored and everyone in this town is either depressed, dumped me, or Lucas," Parker says as she rolls onto her back, "Surprisingly I could fit in the depressed category."

She can hear as Nathan laughs on the other side of the line, "Well loser open your front door and see for yourself."

Parker perks up at that, jumping off of her bed and rushing downstairs and to the front door, when she opens it she finds Nathan standing there, a smile on his face. Parker hangs up the phone call and drags Nathan into her house.

"Great, now that you're here I have several questions for you," Parker says, grabbing one of the notebooks her mother left behind and tearing a page out of it. She makes a chart, one side titled Nathan and the other titled Parker.

"Okay," Nathan says skeptically.

"Peyton or Haley?" she asks.

"What?" Nathan asks surprised.

"Okay so Peyton told me that Brooke made this door of people that they're allowed to hook up with to avoid a love triangle. You are Peyton's. Tragically, I'm Brooke's," Peyton says speaking quickly.

"Why is it tragic that you're Brooke's?" Nathan asks.

"Because I'm getting over her before the beginning of senior year and I can't do that if she's claiming me on a door!" Parker exclaims, "So we're making a list so that we can also avoid that issue because tonight, I'm giving everyone a chance. Even your sloppy seconds."

Nathan laughs, "I'll take Haley."

"Damn it," Parker said as she wrote Haley's name under Nathan's, "I guess I'll take Peyton. You can have Brooke."

"But I don't want Brooke," Nathan whines.

"Well I wanted Haley, but you took her so deal with it," Parker says sticking her tongue out.

"Fine, you get Lucas," Nathan tells her.

"Ew," Parker says, "He's like my brother."

"Well he's actually my brother," Nathan argues, "And we're not exactly speaking."

"Well at least he didn't steal your girl," Parker mutters.

Nathan shakes his head, "Well tell me about New York. Any hot dudes or chicks? I'm open to discussing either."

Parker laughs, "Okay well I made out with a girl named Megan which was great until I found out she had a boyfriend and felt super guilty. Then there was Michael, Dante, and Leah. All hot. All really good."

"Wow," Nathan says, "Guess you had a good time."

"The best," Parker tells him, "Now I'm stuck in stupid Tree Hill."

"That makes two of us," Nathan says with a sigh, "You going to the stupid beach party?"

"Duh," Parker says, waving the paper in Nathan's face, "Hence me making the list."

"Right," Nathan says with a laugh, "Well I'm heading down to the Rivercourt, wanna play some one on one?"

"Ha no," Parker says, "You'd kick my ass. I haven't ran since freshman year when we had to run the mile in gym class."

Nathan grins widely as he leans on the counter, "You know what you should do this year?"

Parker's eyebrows furrow, "What?"

"Try out for cheer," Nathan tells her, "You did it last year and you killed it, sort of. Besides we'd get to hangout and you'd be around Brooke constantly."

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