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Parker thought about starting her car and going back home when she saw Brooke's car in the parking spot next to hers, but she decided against it. She gets out of her car and heads toward the school with Brooke hot on her tail.

"You were in love with me?" Brooke asks, "And you didn't think to tell me?"

"It was kind of hard to when you were constantly questioning your feelings for me and wanting to get back with Lucas!" Parker exclaimed as she shoved the school doors open, Brooke still following after her.

"I can't believe you," Brooke said with a huff as she walked toward the hall where their lockers were. Parker rolled her eyes at Brooke's dramatic breath but stopped as she looked down the hall and saw a gun aimed in their direction.

"Brooke!" she exclaimed, grabbing her wrist and tugging Brooke toward her as she dropped to the ground. The gun went off twice, echoing throughout the halls. Parker could feel her heartbeat pulsing in her ear as she scrambled to her feet, tugging Brooke along with her. They headed into the bathroom and Brooke locked the door as Parker fell against the wall, trying to catch her breath.

"Parker," Brooke said softly, she looked up and saw hazel eyes filled with tears. Brooke reached a shaky hand down and placed it on Parker's shoulder. Parker glanced down and saw that there was blood on Brooke's hand and that it was staining her blue t-shirt.

"I think I was shot," Parker said with a small chuckle. Whatever adrenaline had been pumping through her body seemed to leave at the sight of her own blood. It was pouring out of the wound in her shoulder and Parker was starting to feel a little lightheaded.

"Hey," Brooke said kneeling in front of her, "You're going to be fine; we just have to get out of here and to an ambulance."

Parker shakes her head, "We can't go out there. He might still be there."

"Then I'll bring the medics to you," Brooke said, standing up, "But I refuse to sit here and watch you bleed to death."

There was no way Parker was going to let Brooke go out in the hall and risk exposing herself to the shooter, so she had to distract her in the best way she knew how.

"I found the letters in your drawer," Parker told her, "Haley told me about them, and I didn't believe her."

"You went through my stuff?" Brooke asked, a thin veil of anger in her voice. Her bloody hand had been on the handle of the bathroom door, just about to unlock it when Parker's comment made her stop.

"What do the letters say?" Parker asks.

"Parker, I'm not gonna tell you about the letters while you sit here and bleed to death," Brooke said unlocking the door and Parker stumbled too her feet and grabbed Brooke's arm, pulling her away from the door. Brooke looked at her angrily, but Parker shook her head.

"I kinda just took a bullet for you. I'm not gonna let you go out there and risk your life for me, okay?" Parker said looking Brooke in the eyes, "Promise me?"

Brooke sighed and moved her hand from the door, "Fine, but Parker you're going to bleed to death."

Brooke was probably right, but Parker had to keep it together for the both of them, so she couldn't think about her possible death.

"No, I'm not," Parker said, "We just need to apply pressure."

Brooke took off the jacket she was wearing and handed it to Parker. Parker stared at it before Brooke realized that there was no way Parker could tie the shirt on herself. She looked at Parker's shoulder and then back up at Parker.

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