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"I'm here to ruin your prom night," Parker says as she enters the Scott house. Nathan stares at her with a lifted eyebrow, closing the door behind her.

"Um, why?" Nathan asks as Parker walks into the living room, her heels loud against the hardwood.

"Because you slept with my girlfriend," Parker says and she knows Nathan's about to apologize, so she just laughs, "I'm kidding. Well not really, but Brooke's had something to do and my car is nicer than yours so it's a win-win for us both."

Haley comes down the stairs, "Hey Nathan what do you – oh my gosh Parker. Your dress is amazing!"

Haley walks past Nathan, completely ignoring him as she rushes over to her best friend. Parker grins as she looks at Haley's dress that fit her pregnant best friend perfectly. Haley hugs her and Parker squeezes her tightly.

"You look amazing," Parker tells her.

"So do you!" Haley exclaims, "Where's Brooke?"

"She said she had to do something, but she didn't tell me what," Parker says, "So I'm crashing your date."

Haley lets out a sigh of relief, "Thank you because I really didn't want to drive our car to prom."

"Hey, what wrong with our car?" Nathan asks, Parker and Haley simply look at him and Nathan nods, "I guess it is kinda old."

"So?" Parker asks extending an arm to Haley, "Shall we?"

Haley grins as she accepts, "We shall!"

"Great," Nathan said from behind them, "I'm third-wheeling with my own wife."

"She was mine first, Nathan," Parker says over her shoulder. Parker gets in the driver's side with Haley sitting beside her and Nathan in the back. She lowers the top on the car and turns on the radio, "Prom here we come!"

They arrive at prom and Parker watches as Nathan and Haley take pictures, slightly envious. Brooke is nowhere to be found, but who she does see surprises her. Dressed in jeans and a leather jacket is Rachel, strutting proudly like she owns the school.

"What are you doing here?" Parker asks, unable to help herself as she wraps Rachel into a tight hug.

"You thought I was gonna miss prom? Definitely not," Rachel glances around, "Where's your other half?"

Parker shrugs, "She had something to take care of."

Rachel holds her hand out and Parker glances at it and then back at Rachel, "What?"

"Until Brooke gets here, I'll be your date," Rachel tells her with a smile, "So?"

Parker places her hand in Rachel's, and they walk toward the entrance of the gym but are quickly stopped by Principal Turner.

"Miss Gatina, you're not allowed on school property."

Rachel rolls her eyes, "What are you going to do? Expel me?"

"Don't make me call the police," Principal Turner threatens.

"Seriously?" Parker asks, "She cheated on a test, we all do. Well I don't, but other people do, anyway, the point is that we're humans, we make mistakes. This is Rachel's last chance at a prom, don't be a jerk about it."

Principal Turner raises an eyebrow at her, and Parker realizes that maybe she should have just kept her mouth shut, "Also Brooke is supposed to be my date but she's not here and I'm really lonely, so please let Rachel stay."

"Miss. Gatina, leave now," Principal Turner says.

"Fine," Rachel says, "I have a limo and a fully stocked mini-fridge!"

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