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Parker's awoken by a loud knock on the front door. She turns over to see Rachel's side of the bed empty and heads downstairs, still under the haze of sleep. She notices a note on the counter from her mother, stating that she had caught a flight that morning.

Parker walks over to the door as the knocking continues.

"Rachel, did you forget your key," she trails off as she realizes that the person standing on the porch isn't Rachel, but Brooke. Her mood quickly shifts for the worst.

"Hey," Brooke says nervously.

"Hey," Parker says.

"I wanted to talk to you," Brooke tells her, and Parker has to resist the urge to slam the door in Brooke's face.

She steps outside, closing the door behind her, "Okay. Talk."

"I'm sorry," Brooke says, "For everything that happened in New York. I should have stood up to my mom. I should have fought for us. I should have fought for you."

Three years ago, Parker would have loved to hear those words. However, Parker wasn't the same girl that she was three years ago, and the words brought her no sense of satisfaction.

"Is that all?" Parker asks, and she can see how Brooke deflates. Clearly, she hadn't expected Parker to be so cold to her or perhaps she did. Parker couldn't read Brooke like she used to. That bothered her.

"Are you happy?" Parker scoffs at the question.

"You don't get to ask that," Parker answers harshly.

Brooke nods slowly, "Well, I wanted you to be the first to know that I'm opening a Clothes Over Bros boutique in Tree Hill."

"Why?" Parker asks, "What's here in Tree Hill for you?"

"Peyton," Brooke answers, "She needs me."

"Right," Parker says, not really believing her, "Is Victoria going to let you open your store?"

"It's my company," Brooke tells her, and Parker smiles bitterly.

"If only you had thought like that three years ago," she states, "Well congrats on opening the store. Hopefully, it's a success and you can hightail it back to Victoria's dungeon."

Brooke sighs, "I know I screwed up."

"No Brooke, you let your mother disrespect me, our relationship. Worst of all, you let her disrespect you," Parker says fiercely.

Parker peers over Brooke's shoulder to see Rachel. The model was drenched in sweat from head to toe wearing nothing but a sports bra and running shorts. She was in her own world, but her jog slowed when she saw Brooke standing in the doorway.

Brooke turned around and saw Rachel approaching the porch, taking the earbuds out of her ear, "Hey Brooke."

"Hey Rachel," Brooke said, glancing down nervously, "I should go."

"Yeah," Parker mutters, "That's for the best."

Brooke nods and without another word, she gets in her car and drives away. Rachel looks at her curiously, but Parker doesn't want to bring it up. She had hoped that Brooke would be gone, but it seems that the other girl was intent on staying.

Once Rachel was showered and dressed, she came downstairs to see Parker fiercely typing on her laptop.

"Writing a novel there, Lucas?" Rachel asks as she kisses Parker on the forehead.

"No, I'm finding us a house in a location that Brooke Davis cannot find," Parker smiles as she looks up at Rachel, "And I think I found the perfect one."

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