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Parker stared at Rachel's black van unimpressed as the driver got out of the car. Rachel smiled widely at her, "We're going away."

Parker faked a laugh, "I'm not going anywhere with you."

"Do you remember the last time you tried to tell me no? We ended up on a wonderful date," Rachel tells her, and Parker really hates the sexy smirk on her face.

"Oh and do you remember why our relationship ended? Because you lied," Parker tells her, arms crossed over her chest.

Rachel's smile fades, "Parker I'm so sorry."

"Yeah well sorry isn't going to change things, is it?"

"It isn't, but allow me to take your mind off of things," Rachel says with a small smile, "Please? Everyone is coming."

"Who is everyone?" Parker asks skeptically.

"Nathan, Haley, Peyton, your personal favorites, Brooke and Lucas," Rachel teases and Parker rolls her eyes, "Mouth, Skills and Bevin are coming as well."

At the mention of her cousin, Parker was suddenly interested, "Skills is gonna be there?"

Rachel's eyebrows furrow, "I'm sorry, please don't tell me the winning point was your cousin."

"I'm coming, and not because of you or your stupid smile or the fact that you mentioned my cousin, but because I don't want to spend a weekend in Tree Hill by myself. Okay?"

Rachel's grin was wide, "Whatever you say. Do you need help packing?"

Parker would have accepted Rachel's offer if she hadn't been so pissed off at her about the time capsule, especially with the condition her shoulder was in.

"I've got it," Parker told her before heading back inside of the house.

She walked past her mom who was digging through the fridge, "I'm going away for the weekend."

"What?" Jessica asked closing the fridge, "Where, with who?"

"You know, the gang and we're going to Rachel cabin in the woods," Parker told her mom, "Skills is gonna be there."

"Is that supposed to convince me?" Jessica asked.

"No, but it is supposed to be reassuring," Parker said grinning widely, "So can I go?"

Jessica sighed, "Yes, but let me help you pack."

Parker rushed up the stairs and grabbed her bag from the closet and began throwing clothes into it. Jessica watched her from the doorway, "So uh I thought you and Rachel broke up?"

"We did," Parker says as she folds a shirt and tosses it into the bag, "But I don't want to be the only person left in Tree Hill, I mean Skills is going and I'm much cooler than Skills."

"Sure, you are Sweetheart," Jessica says. Parker tries zipping up the bag with one hand but can't get it to close. Jessica walks over and closes the bag with one quick zip and takes off of the bed, "I'll carry it for you."

Sight frustrated Parker nods and turns the light out in her room before heading downstairs and out to the driveway where Rachel was sitting on the porch, waiting for her. She stands when she sees Parker and takes the bag from Jessica.

"Be safe," Jessica tells her, wrapping Parker in a hug, "Try not to get shot again."

Parker laughs and nods as her mom pulls away, "Love you."

"Love you too," Jessica tells her.

Parker hops into the passenger seat of Rachel's van and they drive over to Lucas's house where everyone was shoving bags into Nathan's car. Rachel honks the horn, and everyone looks at them as Rachel rolls down the window.

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