Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

*Ryoma POV

I woke up in the morning, it was early so I decided to work out that day. I get up from my bed and changed my clothes, then I went out of the house to exercise. I did all of my usual work out that I built back in Nagoya; 100x push up, 100x sit-ups, 100x squats, and 10 km jog, never miss a day. (Saitama's workout)

After I did my workout, I return to Kyoko's house to take a short shower. When I got out of the bathroom, I saw Kyoko come out of her room to eat her breakfast.

Kyoko: "Morning...fuaa..."

Ryoma: "Morning, still sleepy?"

Kyoko: "Yes, you woke up early. What did you do this morning?"

Ryoma: "I did some work out this morning."

Kyoko: "Oh, what kind of workout?"

Ryoma: "100x push up, 100x sit ups, 100x squats and 10 km jog"

Kyoko: "..."

Kyoko: "You're a dangerous man, you know that?"

Ryoma: "Haha..." I put up a small laugh

Mrs. Yamate: "Kyoko, Ryoma! Breakfast's ready!"

Ryoma/Kyoko: "Coming!"

We came to the dining room to eat our breakfast, together with Kyoko and her parents.

Mr. Yamate: "Oh, Ryoma, tomorrow your uncle will be visiting us. Be sure to free up your schedule."

Ryoma: "Okay, will Yukina come along?"

Mr. Yamate: "Of course. Kyoko, will you come along?"

Kyoko: "Of course, I haven't met with Yukina-san since elementary school."

We continued to eat our breakfast.


After we finished eating, Kyoko headed back to her room to get ready to go to school, I was playing with Vevo at the time.

*Kyoko POV

After I head back to my room to change to my uniform, I return to the living room to find Ryoma was playing with Vevo, he look so calm, I stared at him for a while. Then he stood up and get ready to leave the house.

Kyoko: "Leaving already? It's still early though."

Ryoma: "Yeah, I want to play my guitar before going to school. Care to join?"

When he said he want to play his guitar, I got excited all of a sudden.

Kyoko: "Sure, let's go!"

I picked up my bag and joined Ryoma to leave the house.

Kyoko: "Mom, Dad, we'll be going!"

Ryoma: "We'll be going."

Kyoko's mom: "Be safe!"


Once we got out of the house, we felt an awkward silence. I need to say something to break this silence.

Kyoko: "So, where should we go?"

Ryoma: "I don't know, maybe somewhere calm with a nice scenario."

Kyoko: "Oh, I know a place. Want to go there? The place isn't far."

Ryoma: "Sure, let's go." He gave a smile to me and I blushed a little.


We arrived at a riverside.

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