Chapter 9

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*Timeskip a few days later

*Kyoko POV

Lately, Ryoma somehow has been a lot busier than usual. He also often has a stroll at a specific time as he was investigating something. Whatever it is, I hope he didn't overwork himself. At this time, I am also busy regarding our performance at Sunset Stage.

Shinobu: "Hey, Kyoko."

Kyoko: "Is that time already?"

Shinobu: "Yeah, Esora and Yuka are waiting for us at the practice room."

I then walked to the practice room with Shinobu to meet up with Esora and Yuka. As I entered the room, we began our meeting about our plan for our performance at Sunset Stage.

Kyoko: "Sorry for making you wait."

Yuka: "It's fine."

Shinobu: "So, you guys ready? For Sunset Stage."

Esora: "Of course!"

Yuka: *in English* "I'm ready!"

Kyoko: "Well then, let's take the top spot at the Sunset Stage!"

They all nodded at my words, then we discussed it and we planned out our new song for the Sunset Stage.

*Timeskip one hour later

Peaky P-key finished our meeting and I was planning to walk straight home until I received a phone call...

Kyoko: "Subaru, what's wrong? It's rare to have you call me like this?"

Subaru: ("It's about Ryoma...") he said in a concerned voice.

Kyoko: "What's about him?!" I said with a panic tone

Subaru: ("He was hospitalized, come here and we will explain what happened to you.")

Kyoko: "I'll come there as soon as possible, just give me the location!"

Subaru: ("Roger that.")

Subaru then sent me the location and I rushed straight to the hospital.

*Timeskip to the hospital

I rushed to the hospital room and I found Ryoma was unconscious and laid on the bed. Suddenly, Subaru and the other approached me.

Kyoko: "What happened to him?"

Subaru: "..."

Subaru: "Izumi, can you tell her what happened?"

Izumi: "Okay..."

*Flashback a few hours ago

*Third person POV

Ryoma, Izumi, Subaru, and Satomi were walking around AMEZEA together, until they ran into a bastard, Fukuda.

Izumi: *sigh* "Here we go again..."

Ryoma: "Shit... the fuck do you want now?" he said as he put his hand in his pocket, turning on a voice recording from his phone.

This made both Satomi and Subaru surprised at their actions against a police officer.

Fukuda: "I need to talk to you privately." he proceeded to handcuffed Ryoma

Izumi: "What the fuck Fukuda?!"

Subaru: "Sir, why are you handcuffing him?"

Satomi: "He didn't do anything wrong! Why are you arresting him?!"

Fukuda: "Didn't I say that I only need to TALK with him, and not ARREST him?" he said with a cold glare and a low tone.

Subaru: "You don't need to handcuff him if that's the case."

Reunited - D4DJ (Yamate Kyoko x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now