Chapter 15

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*Third Person POV

Ryoma was stood by the stage as he was trying to fix the sound system.

Ryoma: "Why isn't working?"

Asahi: "Ryoma, what happened?"

Ryoma: "The sound system isn't working!"

Subaru: "What?! But it was fine a moment ago!"

Ryoma: "I know!!! Wait, let me think for a moment... Haruto, turn off the light! Asahi and Subaru, buy us some time while we're fixing this little shit."

Asahi: "On it!"

Subaru: "Roger that!"


Asahi and Subaru were doing MC as they were singing acapella.

Dennojo: "Acapella? What are they thinking?"

Haruki: "A technical problem?"

Ryujin: "It's possible but..."

Dennojo: "They have Asahi and Ryoma, I doubt they could be this careless in a huge event like this."


Airi: "Acapella? Are they having some technical problem?"

Shano: "..."

Airi: "Shano, you checked the sound system with them right?"

Shano: "Yeah, I did. It was fine though... Don't tell me... It was sabotaged?!"

Airi looked at Shano with a disbelief face.

Airi: "What?! Who would do such a thing?"

Shano: "I have someone in mind... I need to go there right now!!"

Shano was then about to left Airi and Yukari as she was called by Izumi.

Izumi: "Hey! Miss producer!"

Shano: "What is it?"

Izumi: "You said that someone sabotaged the backstage, correct? Bring Taiga, me and my father will come with you."

Takahashi: "I'm a police inspector, ma'am. And these boys know their ways in a fight."

Shano: "Okay, let's go now."

Shano left with Takahashi, Izumi, and Taiga to the backstage, leaving Airi and Yukari alone.

 Yukari: "Mom, will they be okay?"

Airi: "Yeah, I hope so."


Kyoko: "Eh? Did they run into a technical difficulty?"

Shinobu: "Looks like it."

Esora: "What happened exactly?"

Yuka: "I don't know, it was fine by the time we used it."

They all went silent for a while until Shinobu said something.

Shinobu: "Fuck... I'll go to check the sound system behind!!"

Yuka: "Wait!! Don't be so rash like that!!"

Kyoko: "Yuka's right!! At least make some plan before you go there."

Shinobu: "Fine... Esora, what do you think about this?"

Esora: "Eh?"

Shinobu: "Come on now, you are the best out of all of us when doing things like this."

Esora: "Well, it was fine when we used it... So, it's possible that someone sabotaged it from behind..."

Shinobu: "Sabotaged? Tch!" Shinobu suddenly ran to the backstage, leaving the others behind.

Reunited - D4DJ (Yamate Kyoko x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now