Chapter 17

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*Third Person POV

Kuu: "Now, let us welcome her, the legend herself has come to this stage!! Takao Toka!!"

Crowd: "YEAHHH!!!"

Toka then started to play with the turntables on top of the stage, hyping the crowd even more. Meanwhile, at the backstage...

Mana: "Eh?! She's on the stage already?! No fair!!!"

Mana then ran out to the stage. As she stood on the stage, the crowd went on a rampage since two of the legendary DJs stood side by side on the stage.

Crowd: "WOAHHH!!!"


Shinobu: "Takao Toka...?!" she said in disbelief.

Nagisa: "I told you not to jinx yourself, Shino..."

Subaru: "Two legendary DJs standing together after 8 years, this would be interesting."


Asahi: "Oh, who would think she will appear on the stage."

Haruto: "This is a pleasant surprise."

Aoi: "Haha, they just went to the stage and stole the crowd within seconds like that."

Tsubaki: "I know... I guess that's the power of the legends."


Kyoko: "Wow, Takao Toka and Kase Mana..."

Ryoma: "Shit, they just went to the stage and stole the show..."

Subaru: "I know... and Shino is already starting to lose her mind now..."

Shinobu: "What the hell?!?! They just come in and stole the stage?!"

Esora: "N-Now... calm down, Shinobu..."

Yuka: "Y-Yeah, besides, we won, right?"

Kyoko: "I think that's the reason why Shinobu lost her temper now."

The rest of Peaky P-key then looked at Shinobu who looked like an angry small chihuahua.

Subaru: "I don't think I will go to Grandpa's place for a while..."

Nagisa: "Haha... same goes for me..."

Kyoko then proceeded to watch the show with full attention.

Ryoma: "What's wrong? You look so serious right now."

Kyoko: "O-Oh, it's nothing serious but..." Kyoko then focused on Mana and Toka's performance on stage.

Ryoma: "But?"

Kyoko: "That is our target, one day, we will surpass them."

Ryoma: "That's nice, having a dream like that."

Kyoko then smiled and rested her head on Ryoma's shoulder.

Ryoma: "Kyoko? What's wrong?"

Kyoko: "Nothing, I just want to be close to you."

Ryoma only smiled and wrapped her with his arm.

Esora: "Oh~ Looks like the couple is having a lovey-dovey moment~" Esora teased them and caught Kyoko off-guard as she was blushing a little.

Esora: "...While on the other side..." Esora then moved her gaze towards Yuka who was trying to calm Shinobu.

Yuka: "S-Shinobu, calm down..."

Shinobu: "How?! They just stood on the stage for a second and they stole the whole crowd?!"

Yuka: "What did you expect? They're a legend..."

Reunited - D4DJ (Yamate Kyoko x Male OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ