Chapter 11

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(A/N: This chapter is based on Peaky P-key Road to D4Fes chapter 1. Of course, I will change some of the stories to match my storyline.)

*Timeskip a few weeks later, Inuyose residence

*Third person POV

Shinobu was doing her usual routine until she was disturbed by her grandfather.

Dennojo: "Shinobu."

Shinobu: "Grandpa?"

Dennojo: "A friend of mine sent a request for making a debut song for a new artist."

Shinobu: "That's great, you're accepting it right?"

Dennojo: "..."

Dennojo: "How about you took it instead of me?"

Shinobu: "Eh? What do you mean?"

Dennojo: "They're requesting a new song with a new feeling and a fresh perspective, and I thought you might be the perfect person for the job."

Shinobu: "Huh?"

Dennojo: "Shinobu, you're just 15, and you've already grown into an amazing DJ. I think this experience would be good for you."

Shinobu: "That sounds like a pain... you do it, gramps."

Dennojo: "Are you scared?"

Shinobu: "Huh?!"

Dennojo: "It's nice to have a comfort zone and have teammates you trust. But, there's a time when you need to venture out of your comfort zone."

Shinobu: "..."

Dennojo: "Your career won't get far if you keep treating it as a student's hobby."

Shinobu: "What do you mean by that?! Don't you dare badmouthing my unit!!" 

Dennojo: "Shinobu. I'm not talking to you as your grandfather now, I'm talking to you as a professional DJ to DJ Kunoichi. I've been working with them for a long time, we stay on a good term, I could get you to this job without any risk."

Shinobu: "..."

Shinobu: "I'm gonna ask Kyoko and the others for this..."

Dennojo: "Fine, but if you want the job, you can always find me."

*Timeskip the next day, Yoba Academy

Peaky P-key was talking about the festival that they're going to participate in a few weeks, but Shinobu was silent for the whole conversation.

Esora: "Shinobu? What's wrong?"

Yuka: "Running another all-nighter?"

Shinobu: "No, it's nothing like that..."

Kyoko: "You can talk to us about anything you know, maybe we can help you."

Shinobu: "..."

Shinobu: "My gramps just give me a job to make a debut song for a new artist, I don't know whether I should take it or not..."

Yuka: "Woww"

Esora: "Wow, that's nice!"

Kyoko: "Good for you, you should take it!" she said with a smile

Shinobu: "B-but we have an upcoming show, can we make it in time? And especially with the new song coming up..."

Kyoko: "I'm sure we can do it, me and the others will attend practice as usual, and you can take the job while we're at it. Come on, it will be a good opportunity for you."

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