Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

*Ryoma POV

I arrived at Café Vinyl and found the owner was standing outside the café, he looked at me and smiled.

Owner: "Ah, Ryoma-kun, welcome! Oh, I haven't introduced of myself right? My name is Kofune Ryujin, nice to meet you."

Ryoma: "It's nice to meet you too."

Ryujin: "You can have a seat inside. I also want to talk a little with you."

Ryoma: "Ah, thank you very much. And also, may I borrow the sink inside? I need to wash this towel." I show the bloody towel to him

Ryujin: "O-of course, whose blood is that? What happened?"

Ryoma: "It's my blood, someone just hit me on the head when I was walking from school."

Ryujin: "..." he looked surprised

Ryujin: "Are you okay?"

Ryoma: "Don't worry, I'm fine."

I entered Vinyl and I started to wash the towel, Ryujin-san was staring at me for some reason. As I finished washing the towel, Ryujin-san talked to me.

Ryujin: "Are you finished washing it?"

Ryoma: "Yes. By the way, what do you want to talk about?"

Ryujin: "You look really simillar with a friend of mine, he's a singer. But... he's not here anymore..."

Ryoma: "..."

Ryoma: "I'm sorry about that..."

Ryujin: "His name is Watanabe Haru, stage named 'HARU'. When I looked at you in this distance, you looked simillar with him, are you a relative of him?"

Ryoma: "He... he is my father..."

Ryujin: "Oh, I-I'm sorry..." He looked surprised

Ryujin: "So... you are Haru's son..." He approched me slowly and suddenly held my shoulder

Ryujin: "I heard what happened to your family 5 years ago, and I'm really glad that I still have a chance to meet you in person, your father speaked really highly of his children. And about your sibling..." He looked saddened

Ryujin: "She passed away along side with you parents right?"

I nodded at him

Ryujin: "I see... I won't ask any detail, but... I would like to have a small talk with you sometimes." he smiles at me and I smile at him back

Ryoma: "Thank you."

*Phone ringing*, an unknown number, who is it?

Ryoma: "Ah, I'm sorry, I need to answer this."

Ryujin: "Go ahead."

I exited Vinyl and answered the call. When I answered it, I heard a familliar voice.

Reiji: ("Yo, Shiro! It's been a while, enjoying your time in Tokyo?")

Ryoma: "Sakamoto..." I clenchend my fist

Reiji: ("You're cold, you didn't even bother to tell me about your departure to Tokyo.")

Ryoma: "How the fuck did you get my number from?!"

Reiji: ("Terada gave it to me, he got it from your friend here.")

Ryoma: "Fuck you and your right hand man, what did you do to him?!"

Reiji: ("Terada just sent him to the nearest hospital, he's alive.")

Ryoma: "You bastard..."

Reiji: ("Anyway, I'm calling you because I want to tell you my plan...")

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