Chapter 16

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*Third Person POV

After the announcement, all of the members met up with their new team for the shuffle unit.

*Team A's room

Ryoma: "So, we meet again, Sakurada-san."

Miyu: "Yes!" she answered with a smile.

Kyoko: "Hehe, didn't expect we would be together on this." she said as approached him with a smile.

Esora: "Ara~ we have a lovely couple here~ What do you think, Miyu-san?"

Miyu: "Yes! They make an amazing couple!"

Ryoma: (-_-) "Can we stop talking about us?"

Kyoko: "Y-yeah, it's kinda embarrassing..."

Esora: "Ehh, but both of you are so cute when interacting with each other~"

Miyu: "E-Esora-san, I think you can stop teasing them right now..."

Esora: "Okay, okay, I'll stop."

Ryoma: "So, I'll be behind the turntable, and the three of you will be the ones who sing it, how's that?"

Miyu: "You sure about that?"

Esora: "Don't you want to sing?"

Kyoko: "Well, let's make it work so all of us can sing it, okay?"

Ryoma: "Why do you want me to sing so badly...?"

Kyoko: "Well, you were always behind the turntable, so I think it would be interesting if the DJ has a solo part for this, eh?"

Miyu: "Yes, I agree with Kyoko-san!"

Esora: "Yeah, I think it would be a waste if you don't sing."

Ryoma: "Okay... all of you really want me to sing, huh? Let's make it works."

Kyoko: "Okay~"

*Team B's room

Shinobu: "So, we ended up together huh?"

Nagisa: "Hell yeah we did!" she said as she wrapped Shinobu's shoulder with one of her arms.

Hiiro: "Both of you are getting along as usual, I suppose."

Subaru: "Yeah, they are..."

Hiiro: "Ara~ what's wrong, Subaru?"

Subaru: "Nothing, but... I was quite worried for the shuffle unit since most DJs here are girls..."

Nagisa: "Oh, is it about Satomi?"

Subaru: "Yeah... she's quite a fragile girl, you know... breaking her heart is the last thing I want." he said with a calm tone which surprised Shinobu.

Shinobu: "Wow... you... you've changed..."

Subaru: "Huh? Have I?"

Shinobu: "Yeah, I mean, before you encountered Ryoma, Satomi, and the others, you were more laid back and a lot louder than now..."

Hiiro: "Well, it seems by getting a girlfriend, Subaru-kun became more mature. So, Nagisa-chan, why don't you try to look for a boyfriend?"

Nagisa: "E-Eh?! A-anyway, should we get started?"

Subaru: "Ah, she's avoiding the question..."

Shinobu: "Yeah... so, we have two guitarists, let's make good use of your skills."

Subaru: "Duo guitar? Nice."

Hiiro: "How about a siblings duet?"

Nagisa: "Me and Subaru? Cool."

Reunited - D4DJ (Yamate Kyoko x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now