Chapter 42

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The actual ceremony went off without a hitch until the preacher asked for objections. Somehow Celeste had made it through the door with some of her little cronies leading to her objecting to the marriage. It put a stop to the wedding. Becca was completely mortified by the whole thing as she and Shawn left the venue. He was angry. Her brother and his legal team was on it. She wasn't about to get married when the objection had been recorded and would be all over the internet by the end of the day. 

"Baby, it's all right. We will get married regardless," he said. 

"Shawn, it just sucks. She's like every girl in high school that hated my guts. It's part of why I never told anyone who my brother was. I didn't want the drama that went along with being a Mathers. I know it's not Marshall's fault but the entire thing sucks," she sniffed. 

"Baby, she can object a million times and I would never leave you for her. I don't want her."

"I know you don't. It just sucks that it's come down to this."

"Why don't we just do a destination wedding?"

"Why didn't we do that in the first place?"

He chuckled. She snuggled into his arms. The kids were with Nathan and Ashley. She was glad that the kids didn't have to see her cry. He held her close as they drove to the house. Marshall had called for a meeting at his house, so they were all headed there. She wondered what was going to happen when they arrived. 

The driver pulled up to the gate. Becca gave her name and they watched the gate slide to allow them to enter. She and Shawn walked into the house, still dressed from the wedding. Paul was waiting for them as they entered the foyer. 

"We will deal with this and do damage control," he said. 

She nodded. Shawn led her to the living room where everyone else was waiting for them. She sighed heavily as her son toddled over to her. She picked him up. 

"We will be redoing this wedding but not here," she said. 

"Destination wedding?" Ashley asked. 

"It seems to be our only option to keep the crazies out. How did they even get in?"

"Someone on security let them by because they were thinking with their junk rather than the need for that paycheck." Nate said. 

Becca nodded. She was frustrated by it all. She had planned everything so well for her wedding to be perfect and it was now ruined. She was angry, upset, hurt, and ready to come unglued on someone. She looked at Shawn. He looked deep in thought. She sighed. 

"Once the test results are in, we release them to the public," he said. 

"What if he is yours?" Becca asked. 

"There is no way that child is mine," 

"You are 100% sure?" Marshall asked him. 

"Yeah man, we went out like two or three times and I realized that she was crazy as hell and didn't go back around."

Marshall nodded. 

"They are sending you a copy of the results as soon as they are in, right?" Marshall asked. 

"Yeah, we both get a copy of them. So I'm sure she will try to find someone to doctor them so it looks like I'm lying." Shawn replied. 

"But then she has a criminal case. You two should both prepare for this to get worse before it even remotely begins to get better." Paul said. 

"Of course."

He sighed heavily. He felt bad that Becca was even dealing with this. She looked over at him and sighed. 

"If it wasn't me, it would be some other poor girl that had to go through it. I am just lucky enough that we have this legal team around us." she said. 

He nodded, knowing that she was right. She decided to start looking for places to hold their wedding away from Detroit. She was glad that she had her family around her to help hold her together. The chaos that had ensued today had just been too much for her. 

*One week later*

Becca headed into the office, not surprised that reporters were waiting for her. She rolled her eyes as she got out of the car and headed for the door. 

"Becca, any word on those paternity results for Shawn?" one asked. 

Becca ignored them and walked inside. She looked at the security guard. 

"Do not let them in this building," she said. 

"Of course not ma'am." he replied, with a smile. 

She went up to her office. Marshall and Paul were already waiting on her. They had the results from the paternity test in the office. Shawn was at work and couldn't take it off so they were going to call him with them. She sighed heavily as she sat down at her desk. Marshall shook his head. 

"Did you see the vultures outside?" she asked. 

"They've been around the building since like 5am," Paul said. 

"Of course they have."

"What did they ask you?"

"If we had the results on the test yet."

"Did you answer them?"

"Of course not. I ignored all of them and came inside. I don't have the energy to deal with that nonsense."

Paul nodded. He had the envelope in his hand. It held the key to their future with all of the drama with Celeste. Becca just wanted it to end. She was over all of it. She didn't understand what she had done so wrong in life that she wasn't just allowed to be happy for once. She wanted to see her kids happy and they loved Shawn so much. This wouldn't break their relationship but it would  bring a whole lot of drama that they didn't currently have if this child was Shawn's.

"Let's get to it," she said. 

"All right," Paul tore open the envelope. 

"I swear if you read this like a Maury episode, I might throw something at you."

He chuckled a bit. 

"Now I have to do it," he said. "In the case of 2 year old Eli Markson, Shawn Danvers is....."

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