Chapter 19

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"So this is a bit awkward," Shawn admitted.

Becca nodded as she shifted Axel in her arms. Shawn slowly smiled though calming a bit of anxiety that had been rising in Becca.

"Now I gotta watch what I say cuz Nate will kick my ass," Shawn chuckled.
"Please, I can take Nate," Becca laughed.
"Yeah but I can't tell him the things I want to do to his baby sister."

Becca blushed instantly. Chloe had run off to play since she was at Uncle Nate's house. Shawn smirked as he watched Becca's face.

"So you'll let me take you out?" he asked.
"I already told you that I would," she replied.

Nate watched them from the other side of the room. He had a smile on his face.

"What?" Marshall walked up on him.
"Becca has apparently been talking to Shawn." Nate said.
"She could do worse."
"She has done worse. We all met Jesse."
"You have to stop doing that."
"Talking shit about Jesse. I know you don't like him but he is still Chloe and Axel's dad. They can't go around thinking you are not gonna like them because of who their dad is."

Nate nodded. Although he was secretly hoping that eventually Shawn would be raising his niece and nephew. Shawn was a great guy with a ton of patience which made him perfect for Becca. Nate watched them for a minute. Ashley walked over and slid her arms around him.

"Leave them alone, creeper," she said.

Nate made a face at her. She laughed at him.

"She actually looks happy for once," his wife commented.

Nate nodded. That's all he wanted for his sister. He wanted her to be happy.

Across the room, Becca laughed at something Shawn said. She glanced over and caught her brother's eye. Nate smiled. A huge grin graced his younger sister's face.

"When we go on this date," Shawn began.
"Yeah?" Becca looked at him funny.
"Should I make it kid friendly?"
"No, I want to wait to fully expose them to you. I mean I know you know about them and you are obviously seeing them here but I want to wait before introducing you as anything more than Uncle Nate's friend."

He nodded. He liked that she was cautious about exposing them to people.

A few days later, Shawn arrived at Marshall's house to pick Becca up for their date. He had told her to dress comfortably as they were going to be going to play minigolf after they ate.

His jaw dropped as she came down the stairs. She had on a pair of dark skin tight jeans and a tank top on. He didn't even care. She could have been wearing a box and he would still find her beautiful.

"Hey man, that is still my baby sister so you better take care of her," Marshall said.
"Shut up," Becca told him.
"I mean it Becs, he steps a toe out of line and he deals with me."

Becca kissed Marshall's cheek.

"I love you big brother," she said.
"I love you too," he replied.

Shawn led her out of the house to his car. Becca had the best time with Shawn. He was a gentleman about everything and very attentive. She wasn't used to it but she liked it.

They had been together for a few weeks when they were out to eat and a girl stopped by their table.

"You left me for a whore?" the girl stated.
"Excuse you?" Shawn demanded.
"You heard me. You know she was with Jesse Michaels right?"
"So what? She ain't now. She is with me and that's all I give a damn about."

Becca wanted to shrink under the table as she listened to this girl degrade her about her past. Becca was used to it but it didn't make it hurt any less. She figured Shawn would be done after that encounter. He looked at her after the girl had walked away.

"You ok?" he asked.

She shrugged. He sighed.

"Our pasts don't define us, Becca," he said.
"Shawn," she started.
"Becca you aren't a bad person because of who you were with. We all have things we have had to overcome. Like I am not proud to say that girl is in my past, but I can't change it. Believe me I wish I had an eraser to get her out of my life."
"Do you have kids?"
"I swear I answered this before, but I have a son. Not with that girl. My high school sweetheart got pregnant our junior year. My son is 15 already."

Becca nodded. She was nervous about that. He smiled at her.

"Relax, Becca. He will love you," he said.
"I doubt that," she chuckled.
"No, he will. The relationship he and I have is a good one. His mom has never been one of those vindictive broads who use their kids against their ex. We have never even needed a custody order in place. When I want him or he wants to see me, we just make it work. I provide what he needs when she needs me too."

Becca nodded. She could only dream that would have been how things went for her kids.

"Where is Axel and Chloe's dad?" he asked.
"Prison for murder," she said softly.
"Well that certainly puts a damper on things doesn't it?"
"He has never met Axel. And Chloe is terrified of him."

Shawn nodded. He was glad he had run into Becca in that bar. She had seemed so broken and out of place there. He was really enjoying getting to know her and his son, Chris was going to love her when they finally met. Even Mindy would love her. He was glad that he had the relationships that he had with his son and his son's mother.

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