Chapter 20

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Becca was laying on the couch with Shawn when Nate walked in the house. He looked at the two of them with a smirk on his face. Becca looked up at her big brother. 

"What are you smiling at?" she demanded. 

"Just super funny to me to see you two together," Nate replied. 


"Not sure, honestly. I always figured you two would be great together."

"Well since you thought it, I guess we have to break up."

Shawn's arms wrapped around her protectively. 

"No bailin out on me cuz of him," Shawn said. 

Becca chuckled. Things had been going amazingly with Shawn. She had no intentions of letting him go. Especially after how well he had dealt with that girl at the restaurant. Nathan looked at his friend. 

"By the way, Celeste asked about you again yesterday," he said. 

Shawn rolled his eyes. He regretted ever dating that girl. She had become a pain in his side and he was pissed about her running her mouth about Becca. She was laying on the couch next to him with her head on his chest. They had been watching a movie before Nate had come in. 

"You didn't say shit to her about me, right?" Shawn asked. 

"Nah, why?" Nathan replied. 

"She was at the damn restaurant the other day and was running her mouth about Becca."

"Cuz Celeste has any room to talk about anyone."

"Exactly my point."

Becca was trying hard to not relive that night because she knew it upset Shawn. He had been so sweet to her. He felt bad since he had dated the girl. Becca knew that she was going to have to face her past at some point. She knew she would probably have to go to the prison as well to get the closure she needed to fully move on with her life. She needed to talk to Marshall about it before she did it though. She was worried that it might mess up what was already going on with Shawn. 

"Where are the babies?" Nathan asked. 

"Axel is upstairs. Chloe went with Hailie for the day." Becca said. 

"Girl time huh?"

"I guess, some cousin bonding as Hailie put it."

Nathan laughed. 

"You know she's coming back here completely spoiled right?" he asked. 

Becca shrugged. She wasn't really worried about it. She had been spoiling her own kids lately anyway so why not let someone else do it too? Shawn felt her tense for a moment and gave her a funny look. She took a deep breath and smiled at him. 

"So I was gonna just talk to Marshall about this but I think I need to go to the prison and see Jesse," she said, suddenly. 

"Why?" Shawn asked gently as Nathan's face completely clouded over. 

"Closure. I want to put it all behind me. I mean I know he's Chloe and Axel's biological father but they will never really know him as their dad," 

"Do you want someone to go with you?" 

"Maybe not inside with me but someone travelling with me would make me feel better."

"Becca, you don't need to see that asshole," Nathan growled. 

"Nate, you and Ashley have been together since high school. I have never had that with anyone really and to be able to fully move on, I need this closure. I hate to say it but I still get nervous when anyone gets too loud or moves too fast. I don't want to be like that or think someone is going to hurt me or my kids. I want to see how things progress with Shawn and to even remotely begin to give away any piece of my heart, I have to close this door the right way." she said calmly. 

"So do it in a letter,"

She gave her brother a look. He sighed heavily. 

"I don't like the idea of you going to see him," he said. 

"I know you don't. That's why I am going to ask Shawn to go with me. I want Jesse to know that he has to let me go completely. I also think out of respect for my babies, that their biological father know who is in their young lives at this point. There may come a day that Axel is calling Shawn daddy and I need to know that I can allow that without the guilt of Jesse hanging over my head." she said. 

Nathan nodded. He understood it but that didn't mean he had to like it. The door opened and Hailie walked in with a sleeping Chloe. Shawn stood from the couch to take the little girl. It warmed Becca's heart even more to know that Shawn cared about her kids. They had introduced them to him a week prior and Chloe had really taken to Shawn. It was cute but heartbreaking to watch. The guilt that Becca felt was eating at her and she needed to do something about it. This was the only way that she could make this work. Shawn seemed to understand it and was on board with it. Nathan stood there scowling. Shawn carried Chloe out of the room. Hailie looked at the two of them. 

"What's with the standoff?" she asked. 

"Nate doesn't agree with me going to see Jesse to get some closure so the kids and I can move forward completely with Shawn," Becca said. 

"Because it's stupid. He's in prison for murder. He is never getting out. So why does it even matter at this point?" Nathan asked. 

"Because I was with him for over four years and have two kids with the man,"

Nathan threw his hands up and walked out of the house. Hailie looked at her aunt as Becca sat down on the couch and put her head in her hands. She didn't want to fight with Nathan but this was something that her heart was telling her that she needed to do. She just wanted to get it over with now so that he wouldn't be angry with her any more. 

"He'll get over it," Hailie said. 

"I'm just so tired of making him mad all the time," Becca sighed. 

"It'll be all right."

Becca nodded as Shawn came back into the room. He pulled Becca into his arms and kissed her. 

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