Smokey Rooms and Bookworms

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Bellamy's POV

I roll over and squint at the blurry lights flashing at me from the clock. I can't make out the time because there is a wall of smoke between me and the nightstand that it's sitting on. I can hear the distinct sound of snoring next to me from the girl who has finally passed out. She was so clingy that I didn't even want to come with her into her room, but at the time it seemed a better idea than just sitting on the couch with the guys. Next time I will choose to just hang out with Murphy and Miller.

I slip away from the girl whose name I can't remember and honestly I'm not sure if I even asked. All I know is that she has red hair and a high pitched voice. And man is she loud. I slide off of the bed and find my jeans on the ground. I step into them and then find my shirt. I open the door as I'm pulling my shirt on.

"So, you and Kendra?" Murphy asks.

Kendra. That's her name. I don't waste time with answers. I'm not a girl. I don't talk about emotions or lack thereof. "I'm out. Don't forget, tomorrow we're meeting at the pier at 8:00. If you're late again I'll have to..." I let the silent threat sink in.

"I'll be there man. Seriously? I was late once. When will you let it go?" Murphy glares at me, but makes sure to not meet my eyes. He's an idiot, but not enough to fight me.

"Don't forget, 8:00. Miller, get a couple of the new guys and have them help you clean this place up before you leave." I say to the guy who hasn't said a word. I like that he doesn't talk much.

I walk out of the house and suck in a deep breath of fresh air. None of the guys know how much I despise smoke. They all assume that I smoke because they do, but I have never even had one drag. I stay clear and find ways around it. I look at the yard and see cups, cans, and people strewn across the lawn. One boy is asleep in front of the gate to get out of the yard. I kick his red shoe to wake him up. He mumbles something incoherent and then starts snoring again.

"Kennedy, move it!" I shout at him. When he hears my voice he bolts up.

"Sorry, Bellamy." He mumbles and scoots a couple of feet before collapsing again.

I open the gate and don't bother with closing it. There are cars lined up on the street as well as motorcycles. I walk up to mine and straddle it. It purrs to life and I take off down the street. The moon lights my way as I shoot towards home. I check my phone and see that it's just after 3:00. I really should have not come to the party tonight. I have to be at work in two hours and then I have school after that. This is going to be a long day.

I speed through a red light a couple of blocks away from my house and flip off the person who honks at me. When I get to my driveway I kick down the kick stand and turn my bike off. I jump off of the bike before its even steady and fish my house key out of my pocket. As I unlock the door I make sure to stay quiet so as not to wake my sister, Octavia. She has always been a light sleeper.

"Hey, Bell. You were out late. Why didn't you call?" Her voice finds me in the darkness of our small house as if on cue.

"Sorry, O. Go back to sleep." I say as I look in from her doorway. She flips over to sleep on her stomach. I stand there watching and listening until I hear her breathing even out. Once she's sleeping I gently close her door so that I won't disturb her anymore.

With that I flip on the light in our kitchen. I see a note that says there's food in the fridge for me. I open the fridge to see a bowl with milk in it. Another note is attached to it. You missed dinner. Enjoy your cereal.

I chuckle as I pull the bowl out making sure to not spill the milk and grab a box of cereal. I place them all on the table next to my laptop. While eating I finish up a couple of assignments that I know are due soon. I click submit just as the sun shines in through the kitchen window. I check the time again to see that I have twenty minutes before I have to leave.

I tip toe past Octavia's room to go to the bathroom. After a quick shower I walk farther down the hall to my room with a towel around my waist. I grab a pair of clean jeans and pick up a shirt from the ground. After smelling it I decide that it's clean and pull it over my head. I use the towel to dry my dripping hair. I throw the towel in the hamper by my closet before leaving my room.

"Have a good day Bell." Octavia calls out as I pass her room.

"You too, O. I'll see you around 10:00." I say before grabbing my stuff and leaving.

I wish that there were a way that I could just be a normal college student, but I know that will never happen. Once you're part of the Ark gang you can never leave; especially when you're the head of a division.  I lock the door and straddle my bike once again. On my way to work I stop to grab a coffee. That's when I see her. She's always here ever since she showed up a couple of weeks ago. It struck me as odd the first time I noticed her because Arkville is a place that people leave, rarely do people actually come in let alone stay.

But she's been here every morning since that first one. Of course I only know what I can see. She's beautiful and that's about all I know. She has long, blonde hair that glistens even in the dingy light of the diner and bright blue eyes that make me want to sink into them. She's always sitting in the corner booth of the diner sipping a coffee.

Some days she's reading while other days she's typing away on a laptop. Today she has a thick book laid out in front of her. She's so enthralled by what she's reading that she doesn't even look up. I love these days; don't get me wrong I love seeing her eyes, but when she's so captured by her books or work she looks like she is so at peace that it makes me feel at peace. She makes me think that maybe, just maybe I could have a shot at having a life.

"Here you go, baby." Indra hands me my coffee in a to go cup just like every other morning. She also gives me a paper bag that I know has a muffin in it.

"Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow." I drop my money on the counter making sure to leave a generous tip.

Hey there. Thanks for reading the first chapter. I'd love to know what you think of it so far. This is pretty different from my other books. Vote/Comment and let me know if you want more.

Ark Mafia (Bellarke) Bellamy's Story #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now