The Gate

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"O, wait up!" I call after her as she walks to the gate of the school. They put a fence up around the school a couple of years ago to try and keep students from sneaking out. What they don't know is that we have Raven and Wick. Raven is a senior this year and Wick graduated with me. They're our gate keepers. A week after the gate was up they were already making money by giving people passage out of the school.

Since Raven and Octavia are such good friends we get to use the passage for free. Wick and I aren't exactly friends, but we get along well enough. He's too much of a joker for my taste.

"Hurry up then. We only have about thirty seconds to get out." She calls back. "Also, I hope that you don't mind but I invited Clarke. She'll meet us at the gate."

When I hear her name I feel a blush come to my cheeks because I flash back to the self-defense class. "You have no idea." I don't know why but that hit me hard. I just can't get it out of my head; her confidence, her sapphire eyes, the way she threw me over her like I was nothing.

Snap out of it, Bell. You can't do this. You don't deserve any of it. You need to just lay low and make it a couple more months. My heart and head have never argued this much. Usually my heart stays dorment, just the way I like it. My heart? Gosh, I sound like a chick flick.

"Bell, is it okay?" Octavia is staring at me as if I've just sprouted horns.

"What?" I ask not remembering her question. Oh, that Clarke is coming. "I mean, yeah."

"Good. Now can we go? We only have ten seconds." Octavia takes off running to the gate of course that only takes three steps.

"Took you guys long enough." Raven scolds and practically shoves us through the hole in the fence. "Now, you better be back in forty-five minutes. I won't wait."

"We know the drill Raven. Now shut up and go have some fun with your boyfriend." Octavia gives her blushing friend a hug and then we take off to our house. Clarke wasn't at the gate or waiting outside. I wonder where she is. Did she decide not to come? Was it because of me?

"Wasn't Clarke coming? You said she would be at the gate." I ask after I can't take it any longer.

"Aren't we the little eager beaver?" She teases and when I don't respond she continues. "Yeah. I told her to wait for us by the fort if we weren't at the gate when she got there." Octavia says and shrugs her shoulders. "Of course I didn't think you'd take so long. I hope she finds it okay."

"O, it hasn't even been a whole minute. I'm sure she could have waited." Then it hits me where she said Clarke was waiting. "Wait, did you say she was going to be at the fort?"

"Yep. Is there something wrong with that?"

My heart starts pounding and my body goes weak. "Please don't be there," is all I can think as I start to sprint.

"Bell? What's going on? Bell?" Octavia yells after me as I run to the last place I want Clarke to be at this very moment.

Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting. What do you think is going on in the fort? What secrets does he have? Also, I'm thinking of splitting the book into one that's Bellamy's POV and one that's Clarke's POV. What do you think?

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