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I look at Clarke and she has worry in her eyes. We both take off running to the house. When we get inside there are loud cheers coming from the living room. I push and pull people to get them out of my way.  When they see that it's me they all jump out of the way and stop shouting. I can feel Clarke's hand on my elbow as she struggles to stay with me. There are more people than earlier.

I get to the living room to see Harper and Sterling on the coffee table dancing. I can't see Octavia, but when I see Raven she motions with her head to behind the table. I step around the table and a couple of guys who are too drunk to be smart yell at me for blocking their view of the girls on the table. Clarke's hand that's still on my arm is the only thing that keeps me from pummeling them.

"Octavia?" Clarke says and kneels behind the table.

I see O lying there completely still and my throat constricts. I can't breathe. This can't be happening. I was away from her for maybe ten minutes, I look at my watch and realize that it's been longer. Crap! What was I thinking? I have failed her. I just had to go looking for Clarke. I should have stayed with O.

"She's breathing. I think she just passed out." Clarke's voice calms me. She looks up at me and grabs my hand. "She'll be okay, Bell."

"She better be." I turn to the crowd who is now silently watching me. "What happened?"

"She was like dancing on the table up her with us, but she like jumped or something and hit her head. Then she totally messed our dance up because she just fell off the table." Lorelei says from on the table next to Harper. I have never wanted to hit a girl so much as I do right now.

"And you didn't think to see if she was okay? None of you even thought to check on her?" I look around and am at least glad that not a single person can look me in the eyes.

"Well, I'm pretty sure she would have told us if she weren't okay." Lorelei says in her whiny voice.

"She's unconscious!" I step forward so that my face is flush with hers. She scrambles back so quickly that she falls of the table. No one laughs when she lands on her butt and whimpers.

I lift Octavia into my arms and walk to the door. Raven opens the door to let me out.

"Thank you for getting me." I tell her.

"No worries, Bell. What are friends for? Let me know how she's doing, okay?" She brushes some hair off of Octavia's face.

"I will. Talk to you later, Rav." I walk outside and can feel Clarke still with me. I look over my shoulder and see her standing tall as we walk to my car.

"Is it okay if I come with you? I kind of already planned to stay the night and now I really don't want to leave Octavia." She says and tucks some loose hair behind her ear.

"Of course. I could use your help." At that exact moment Octavia opens her eyes and hurls. It gets all over me. She closes her eyes again and I can feel her body still convulsing, trying to get the alcohol out of her system. She definitely had more than one beer.

"Do you want to sit in the back with her? I can drive." Clarke offers.

"Sure. Thanks." I drop my keys into her pocket and ignore the gross feeling of having vomit on me as I crawl into the back of the car. Clarke starts the car, checks, and then double checks the mirrors. Wait? Is she drunk? Should she be driving?

"Are you okay to drive?" I ask her.

"Yes, don't worry. I don't drink, at least often. I didn't even have a soda while we were here." She puts the car into reverse and shoots out of the driveway. When we hit the street she twists the wheel and turns the 90 degree turn so quickly that it makes me feel sick.

"Sorry, I guess I should drive more carefully." She gives me a nervous smile and laughs.

"Yeah, let's just stick to the soccer mom drive, not a cop show." I laugh with her.

"So, I think Octavia has a mild concussion so we should make sure to wake her every two hours or so. If she gets worse then we will need to take her to the hospital, but I've had a concussion before and I was fine by the next morning."

"Good to know. How do you know this?" I ask her.

"My mom's a doctor. Where do I turn?" She follows the directions I give her until she is pulling into our driveway.

Clarke hops out of the car after turning it off and opens my door so I can get out with Octavia still in my arms. She flips through my keys to find the house key. When she gets it she unlocks the door and opens it for me.

"I think I'm just going to take her to the bathroom, we can make the tub into a bed for her. Then when she gets sick again it's less of a mess." I say and lead the way to the bathroom.

"I'll grab some blankets if you can tell me where they are." Clarke offers.

"Sure thanks. They're in the closet down the hall. We can use some green ones. They're old."

After she has left I set Octavia down against the wall and strip off my soiled shirt, pants, and shoes. I'm so glad that I had left my jacket in my car.

"I found the blankets-" Clarke freezes in the doorway. Her face is bright red. Her eyes are huge and almost black from how big her pupils have grown."Sorry, I didn't know you were changing. I'll leave."

"Wait, Princess, I just had to take off my shirt and pants. It's not like I'm naked. Can you help me get her in the tub?" I ask and love watching the wheels turning in her mind. She finally steps into the bathroom.

Ark Mafia (Bellarke) Bellamy's Story #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now