Welcome to Arkville

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Bellamy's POV

I ease my bike into the school parking lot a minute before I need to be clocked in. I jump off of my baby as soon as I have the kickstand down and run to the door. The only door that's unlocked this early is the one by the principal's office which means that I'll have to pass his office. I slow to a walk when I'm inside and make my way down the hall. I look into his office and can't see him so I let out a sigh of relief. He won't see me get here. He won't have to know that I was late.

"You're late, again." Jaha looks down at me from over his nose that's stuck up at me.

If I were a jumpy guy my head would have hit the ceiling. I hadn't heard him walk up behind me. I turn around to face him and plaster an innocent look on my face.

"I'm sorry, sir. I assure you that it won't happen again." I have to force myself to not fight him. He seems to be one of the only people who has no idea what I'm capable of.

"See that it doesn't. One more screw up and you'll be out of here." He sneers.

"Yes, sir." I grab my job list for the day and leave Jaha in his office. Just as I'm walking to the janitor's closet to get my uniform I see her. It surprises me to see her with a backpack on. I just assumed that she wasn't in school from the fact that she's been in the diner every morning and I haven't seen her before.

She's walking right towards me and I have never felt this nervous. I never feel nervous. Girls are easy for me. They fawn over me and I decide whether or not I want to use them. If I do then I put on the charm; if not then I walk away. It might be cruel but it works for me.

"Excuse me, do you know where the office is?" Her voice is strong yet soft.  She gives me a warm smile and waits for me to speak.

I clear my throat while trying to find my voice. What is happening to me? "It's just down the hall. Take the first right."

"Thank you, Bellamy." She says before walking off in the direction that I pointed.

When she says my name a bunch of red flags pop up. I start walking behind her and grab her arm when I get close. "How do you know my name?"

"The diner. I heard Indra call you that once." She answers before pulling her arm from my grasp.

"Oh, sorry." I say while letting her pull back from me. "And you are?"

"I'm Clarke." She says and gives me a warm smile.

"Welcome to Arkville. If you need anything else just let me know. I'll be around." I shake the hand that she holds out to me.

"Thank you. I'll see you around." She saunters off down the hall without a second glance which I'm thankful about because I am staring after her retreating form. The worst part is that I'm not checking her out just because she's hot; I think I actually want to get to know her. When I shook her hand I hadn't wanted to let go. That has never happened to me. I'm in trouble. 

A/N Hey, sorry I know this chapter is a bit short but I think it's better to have a short chapter than to split POV's. Hope you're enjoying this book. Thanks for reading, commenting, and voting.

Ark Mafia (Bellarke) Bellamy's Story #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now