New Girl K

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Clarke's POV

I walk away from Bellamy while trying not to die from embarrassment. I can't believe I said his name. The way he grabbed my arm and his suspicious expression told me how much it freaked him out. He probably thinks I'm a crazy stalker. Way to go, idiot! I'm too busy scolding myself so I don't notice the boy directly in front of me until we've bumped into each other.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry." I stutter at the boy as he just laughs. His laugh at least isn't a mocking laugh; it's more of a I'm laughing with you laugh.

"It's all good. You must be Clarke. I'm Finn." He says in a kind voice full of laughter.

"You know who I am because I ran into you?" I ask as my always ready temper tries to boil over.

"No. I know who you are because you're the only new person we've had in over three years." He says in a matter of fact voice.

"Right. I do remember hearing something about not many new people in the area. Of course it makes sense. Who chooses to move to a middle of nowhere, hick town?" I ask

"Ouch." He grips his chest in mock pain. "That hurts, K."

"K?" I ask with a smile breaking across my face. Maybe this place won't be too bad.

"I hope you don't mind. It's just that Clarke is so... I don't know. Hicktown?" He winks.

"Says the boy named Finn."

"Hey, I'm a man. I turned eighteen last month." He says and puffs out his chest.

"Oh my apologies, sir." I curtsy to him.

"That's more like it. Now, how about I give you the tour?" He waves his hand towards the direction that I just came from.

"Maybe later, but for now I have to go meet with Principal Jaha. Thank you though." I go to step around Finn but he places his hand on my arm. His touch doesn't feel near as good as Bellamy's did.

"I already talked to him. He had a meeting come up and asked if I'd take you under my wing. I agreed, but only after making sure you were cute." He winks again.

"So, you think I'm cute?" I flirt. I instantly feel guilty as if I were cheating on someone.

"You know it, baby." He says as he caresses my arm with his hand that is still there. It makes me feel uncomfortable. I'm not sure why though. I just don't want anyone to see us. You don't want Bellamy to see you. My thoughts turn against me.

"So, about that tour; do you think we could start it now?" I ask while stepping away so that my arm is free from his wandering hand.

"Sure. Follow me." He holds out his arm and I know that he expects me to take it. I don't. He shrugs it off and leads me down the hall.

I see Bellamy down the hallway and instantly feel embarrassed. I don't want to pass by him. I think I'd be okay without ever speaking to him again.

"Finn..." Bellamy says his name in a way that makes it sound like a threat. I half expect him to add: you're next. But, I've probably just seen too many scary movies. It's not like this town could have anything dark or sinister.

"Bellamy." Finn nods his head and subtly steps farther away from him. When we've walked out of range from Bellamy I hear Finn mumble. "What a freak."

"What did you just say about him?" I ask surprised to hear something mean come out of Finn's mouth. I may not know him well but he seems decent.

"He's a freak; that guy. Don't tell anyone that I told you that, though." I'm once again surprised to see genuine fear in his eyes. "I'll give you some advice to live by: stay away from Bellamy Blake. He's dangerous."

"Okay, thanks." I say aloud while in my head I rejoice. Dangerous? That's exactly what I need right now. Well, I guess it's just what I want. What I need is someone who well never find out who I really am. Someone who is kind and boring. Someone like Finn. 

A/N Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting. I'd love to know what you're thinking. I'm thinking that I might just make this a book in Bellamy's POV. What do you think? Maybe I could have a chapter every once in awhile like this in Clarke's POV, but mostly Bellamy's.

Ark Mafia (Bellarke) Bellamy's Story #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now