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I shove people out of my way while trying to get to the stairs. Generally when people see me they practically jump out of the way but the more they drink the less fear they have so it takes a lot longer than I expected to get down the stairs.

"Hey, Bell. Have you seen Clarke? She was looking for you." O steps in front of me and I almost push her over before realizing who it is.

"Yeah, she was just coming down the stairs." I say and look over her head. I catch sight of blonde hair over to the right by the front door. "Talk later, O."

I wade my way through the crowd of dancing, sweaty bodies to the front door. When I get there I reach out to grab her shoulder to stop her. She whips around and I see that it's not Clarke. The girl's face goes from pissed off to sultry in a matter of seconds.

"Hey, Bell. Wanna go upstairs?" She slurs and stumbles against me.

"No, I don't." I push her off of me and let her fall against the wall.

"Wow. That's a first." Murphy is leaning against the other wall and clearly just watched our exchange. Crap! I can't deal with him right now. "Has our great leader finally had enough? Raven was enough?" He asks in a dark voice that only he has.

"I don't waste my time on girls who are so drunk that they can't form their words correctly." I say and glare at him.

"Sure, well I'm going to go find myself some company for the evening. Stay safe Bell. Oh and I sent Clarke upstairs when she asked about you. Did she find you?" He kicks off from the wall and walks to the kitchen. I feel bad for the girl drunk enough to end up alone with him.

"Hey, Atom, have you seen Clarke? O was looking for her." I grab his shoulder even though he's making out with some chick that I can't see. This is more important than him getting a little action.

"Back off man." He smacks my arm without turning around. "I'm busy."

"Bell?" Octavia looks around Atom.

"Bell?" Atom sounds terrified.

"Octavia, Atom? My sister?" I'm already wound so tightly because of Clarke that I can't control my actions what so ever. I pick Atom up by his collar and fling him to the couch. A couple who was making out on it barely jump out of the way.

"Bell, stop!" Octavia grabs my arm but I shake her off.

"I'll deal with you later. We're leaving. Go to the car." I give her a quick glance to show how serious I am. "Atom and I are going to have a little talk."

"Hey, buddy, really nothing has or will happen. She just kissed me and well I'm drunk. I'm sorry." He says while standing. He walks towards me with his hands raised in surrender.

"Get out now." I say through gritted teeth. "Or I won't stop until you're a bloody pulp. Never touch my sister again. Got it?"

"I won't even look at her." He stumbles as he runs backwards to the kitchen.

I hear a piercing scream and look around to see where it came from. No one else even reacts to it. I hear a muffled scream and start walking to the back door which is through the kitchen.

"It's Murphy. He has a girl with him outside. Do you want me to stop him or you?" Miller asks nonchalantly as he leans against the counter sipping a beer.

"I'll get it." I need to blow off some steam anyway and Murphy is just the guy for that.

I step outside and feel the fresh air hit my face. It's very calming and if not for the muffled cries I could have stood there for hours. I leap down the three steps and jog to the woods out back. The cries are getting louder and I hear what sounds like a zipper.

Behind the first bush out back I can see Murphy's head sticking up. I start running and get there in four steps. When I see him I lose it. I rip him off of Clarke and throw him against a tree. Clarke looks up at me with fear in her eyes. I don't stop to see how she is doing. I run to Murphy and slam my fist into his nose. I hear a crack and feel blood ooze onto my hand. I kick him in the side a couple of times and then straddle him. He puts his arms up in an attempt to protect his face but it does no good as I let my fists fly.

I only stop when his eyes roll back and he goes limp. For a second I think I might have killed him and I'm horrified. I touch my finger to his neck and feel a soft heartbeat. When I do this I see that my hands are covered in blood and not all of it is his.

A/N What do you think of angry Bellamy? How is Clarke going to react? Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting!

Ark Mafia (Bellarke) Bellamy's Story #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now