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Later, Clarke and I are lying tangled up in each other as the sun pours in through the small window. I absentmindedly play with her hair by twirling it around my fingers. I can tell that she likes it because whenever I stop she moves her head closer to me.

Now, she's lying, sprawled across my chest drawing invisible circles with her delicate fingers. I can feel the roughness of her ankle monitor rubbing against my leg, but I don't say anything about it because I like feeling her foot brush up and down along my calf.

I lift my head from the soft pillow just enough to place a kiss on her temple and then lay back down. My hand that's not playing with her hair is making its way across her ribs as if they are a harp and I a musician. Something flashes in my eyes and I flinch away from it.

"Sorry," she whispers as she pulls her arm out of the sunlight. I look down and see that it was her father's watch that was reflecting the light.

It makes me wonder again just why it's so important. If I had loved my father would I have kept something to remember him by? Would he have something of mine? Ha! No way. That just shows weakness. You can't care for people enough to hold on to something that belonged to them. When they leave, not if, you need to let them go. People don't come back so you shouldn't waste your time on them. But, with Clarke I want to. I want to know why she has it.

"So I've got to ask you. I get that the watch was your dad's but why were you so upset when it was missing? Surely you have other things to remember him by." I finally say when I just can't hold back any longer.

"What?" She asks in a groggy voice as if this is the last thing she ever thought I'd ask or maybe she was drifting off. "Oh, right. It's just a stupid superstition really."

"I may not have known you long but I can't believe there's anything stupid about you." I point out as I take her in my arms and sit up. When I'm in an almost sitting position I lean back against the wall and pull the covers up around us. It's not cold, but I like how it brings her closer to me.

"That's sweet of you to say, but I've done plenty of stupid things." She gives me a pointed look and then looks at the bed and back to me.

"We all have Princess. We all have. And this isn't one of them, so what's this superstition?"

Clarke starts to play with the ring that I have on my middle finger so she doesn't have to look at me. "Well, he's had this watch since before I was born. He used to call it his time maker because no matter what when he was wearing it things worked out, especially when he was running late. He said that once he got this watch he was never late to anything no matter how late he left. Of course, he exaggerated but still it was his lucky watch. He wore it constantly, even into the shower."

Clarke continues to fidget with my ring, spinning it and spinning it. Round and round.

After taking a deep breath she continues. "Anyway, when I was little I always was asking for him to take it off so I could try it on and every time he'd say no. He was worried that if he were to take it off then he would lose his luck. The day he was arrested we had a big fight. Something was going on and he wasn't telling me what it was. I got angry and I did something stupid. I threw this picture frame at him. It was one of our family pictures; one with the three of us smiling and none of us looking at the camera. He put his arm up to block himself and the frame hit his watch. It hit with such force that it sprang open and fell off his wrist."

"I'm sorry, Princess." I smooth her hair down with one hand and rub her back with the other.

"We both looked at his watch just lying there in the dining room. Neither of us bent down to get it. Neither of us spoke. We just stood there staring at his lucky watch. When he went out that night he still hadn't picked up his watch. Then it happened. I'm smart enough to know that it really wasn't my fault but I can't help but feel responsible. I mean, what if it really was the watch keeping him safe all of those years. What if I hadn't thrown that picture at him? Would he still have left?"

"That's not fair. He's a grown man. He made a choice. The watch is just that; a watch."

"I know, but when I took the watch to him before he got locked away he told me to keep it on always so that I would be safe even without him. This morning when I woke up I realized that it was gone. I just kind of freaked out and I couldn't remember where the house was."

"You could've woken me. I would have taken you right then and you wouldn't have had to be so upset." I tell her and lift her chin so that she's looking into my eyes.

"You were so peaceful. I didn't want to disturb you." She says in her innocent voice.

"You will never be a disturbance to me, or at least a bad disturbance." I wink. "Next time just wake me up, okay?"

"Next time?" She raises an eyebrow at me to let me know she's teasing.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Who is that?" Clarke whispers as her face falls and she wraps the covers tightly around her.

"I don't know. No one has been her but me." I say as my heart starts to race.

A/N Who do you think it is? Dun dun dun! haha I'm so happy to be back! I know this chapter is a bit dry but I think back stories are important. Hope you enjoy!

You guys are awesome! And now that I've been up for 20 hours I'm going to go to sleep and dream of some great chapters to come :)

Ark Mafia (Bellarke) Bellamy's Story #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now