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I pull out of the memory just in time to see Clarke punch Finn in the nose. "I will never let you hurt him. He has suffered enough because of me already. I will not let him die for me and I know my dad won't allow it. I can't believe he sent me here to be protected by you. You are pathetic."

"Princess, you better watch it. Your father isn't as powerful as you'd like to believe." He says while holding his bleeding nose. He goes to hit her back but before he can she grabs his arm and twists it behind his back. She pulls out the knife from her back pocket and holds it to his throat. She barely nips his skin so that a trickle of blood escapes.

"You will let us leave here or I will slit his throat. Do you hear me?" She yells to a camera in the corner of the room that I hadn't seen earlier. "Can you undo the handcuffs?"

She is looking at me out of the corner of her eye. I don't know what to do. I know that I can't trust her, but at the same time I need to get out. I decide to take a chance and nod my head. My mind is still reeling from what is going on and from what I remembered.

"Yes, I need something to pick the lock."

"Here's the key." She pokes Finn's neck again until he reaches into his pocket. He lets out a huff of air. "Hand it to him slowly. Try anything and you'll bleed out in under a minute."

"They'll never let you get away with this." He spits at her while dropping the key behind my back where my hands are chained.

I make quick work of the lock and stand up.

"Okay, stay behind me and they won't shoot. I will explain everything when we are out of here." She says without looking at me. Instead she just walks to the door and kicks it twice. Just before she can kick it a third time it swings open.

"Princess, we can't let you leave." Cage says and he's holding a pistol.

"Move, Cage or I will slit his throat. You know me; I don't bluff." Clarke's voice sounds so different from the shy girl that I first met.

"Men, stand back. If she gets hurt you will pay with your life." He commands into a radio and then looks at Clarke again. "You will never be welcomed back. Is this really what you want? Is a man who hates you really worth throwing away your whole life?"

It hits me that just maybe she is actually on my side. Maybe she was just a scared kid like me. She just might not be the monster I was raised to believe she was.

"Get out of my way, brother." She hisses as Finn squirms away from her blade. Cage glares at her. I realize that really it was him. He was old enough that he could have said something. He could have cleared it up.

"Mother will not be happy. May we meet again; and when that happens I will end your life with the very knife that you are using to get away."

"I would expect nothing less." She walks slowly never putting her back to him. I stay behind her like she told me to as we go down a long hallway. Soon we get to the end of the hallway where there are two doors.

"Open that door Bell." She motions with her head to the one on the left side.

I open it and see a sheer drop about ten feet in front of me. It looks like the building is under construction. Looking out I see that we are towering over the ocean. It is at least a 30 foot drop. "Clarke, there's no way out."

"I know." She steps in behind me and suddenly cuts Finn's throat, not deep enough to kill, but it definitely hurts him. He screams and paws at his bleeding throat as she kicks him back into the hall. She slams the door shut and locks it. I should be terrified of her even as she puts the knife back in her pocket, but for some reason I'm not. All I can see is the crying girl who I hugged to feel better. Then I see her sleeping in my arms. I just can't hate her.

"We have to jump Bell. It's the only way." She comes over to me and grabs the sides of my face to make me look at her. I ignore the feeling of Finn's blood on my cheeks. "I am so sorry that I brought you into this, but if it had to be anyone I at least know that you can handle it just like you handled what happened with your dad."

I have a flash of her as a kid crying while my dad hugs me. I shake my head to erase the pain.

"So, you really are on my side aren't you?" I don't know why I believe her when everything in me tells me that I shouldn't but I have to. I know that she is just like me; she's stuck in a bad situation. She's just trying to stay alive and she has just given up everything to keep me alive. She is stronger than I am.

"Yes, I understand that you hate me but I just have to say that I think I love you." She admits and looks down.

"Princess," I say quietly and hear her breath catch. "I think I feel the same way even though it's completely insane."

"You shouldn't. I don't deserve it." She still looks down at our feet. I gently tilt her chin up so that she can look at me.

"Clarke, we definitely need to talk about all of this but you deserve all of the happiness in the world and if you'll let me I'd like to try and give it to you." I lean forward so that my lips are a breath away from her. My shoulders straighten and I step back when I hear banging on the door. The door is buckling under the weight of whatever they're using to hit it.

"You need to go. I'll hold them off." She says and starts to push me towards the edge.

"No, come with me." I hold her arm.

"If I go with you they will never stop coming for me. I need to stay and pay for my crimes. You don't. The things I've done; I can't forget them." She has tears in her eyes.

"No, I won't let you. I don't care if I have to live underground. We're getting out of here together. If you need forgiveness, I'll give that to you. You're forgiven. Now come with me." I am holding both of her hands and she gives me a sad smile.

"Bellamy." She just says my name and then her lips crash against mine. Before I can react she pushes me backwards. "I'm sorry." She cries as I fall over the dam's edge. I scream, yell, and cry for her to jump. When I hit the water I feel the darkness take over even before I feel the water cover my body. 

A/N Thank you so much for reading, voting, and commenting! The song at the top is Me by The 1975. I think it's kind of perfect for this, also I just love the band haha.

Just a heads up there are about five chapters left in this book.

Ark Mafia (Bellarke) Bellamy's Story #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now