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"Raven, you are staying over tonight." O says as the third movie ends.

"You mean for the morning?" Raven laughs.

"Whatever." O pushes Raven towards her room and turns to where Clarke is passed out on the floor. Her hair is surrounding her head like halo as she sleeps peacefully. "Guess it's just the two of us then."

"Good because your bed is small enough for the two of us let alone having a third person." Raven grabs her pillow and shuffles to O's room.

The guys have all left already so it's just me and the three girls. Octavia follows Raven to her room but turns back to face me before closing her door.

"Hey, Bell?" She asks with that innocent look of hers; the one that is the reason for my overprotective attitude.

"Yes?" I ask from the recliner that I'm still sitting on.

"Thank you?"

"For what?"

"For this. I don't know what happened with you and Clarke, probably nothing, but you're the reason she came back. If you hadn't helped her today I have the feeling that she wouldn't have come back. I actually think she's almost as screwed up as you are. She needs a home just like you do so please don't let her push you away. And for heaven's sake, don't make her."

"O I have a home." I say because that's the only thing that I can think to say.

"No. Big brother you have a house, an empty house. I love you, but we both know that I'm not what you need. You need someone who won't only let you in, but someone that you can let in. That's why Raven and Wick are perfect for each other. She can tell him anything and everything and he can do the same. That's something that you deserve Bell as much as you may hate yourself you deserve to be happy."

I stand there silently staring at my little sister. When did she grow up? I thought that I was hiding my pain so well and come to find out she's known the whole time. I sink back against the recliner as Octavia closes her door. I can already hear Raven's soft snores emanating from O's room and I know O will fall asleep soon. How could I have failed Octavia so much?

"You haven't." Clarke says softly. I look down to see her sitting up realizing that I must have spoken aloud.

"Sorry. Did I wake you?" I ask sitting up again.

"No. I've been awake for a while. I just didn't want to get pulled into O's room. I need a break from people." She wipes the sleepiness from her eyes.

"Oh, then let me just grab a pair of sweats and you can sleep in my room. I'll sleep out here." I get up from the chair and walk into the hallway, but freeze when I hear my name.

"Bellamy?" Clarke whispers.

"Yes Princess?" I turn around to see her right behind me. Her eyes are bright and look nervous.

"Never mind." She steps into the bathroom.

I don't know what I thought she'd say but I won't lie. I was hoping that she'd say she could forgive me. Maybe we actually could have a shot. Maybe, just maybe O is right. I could have a shot at a real relationship. But, as I hear the water start to run I remember who I am and what I've done. Clarke will be better if she pushes me away.

Feeling defeated I walk into my room and strip off my clothes. I grab a pair of black sweats from my dresser. I am just stepping into them when I hear the bathroom door click open. I yank them up and turn around just in time to see Clarke in the doorway. It's completely dark behind her and the only light is the small light next to my bed which is casting shadows all around us. She looks beautiful even with her make up wiped off and her hair in a simple braid.

She steps into the room and still neither of us has said anything. The last time we were in this situation, which was just yesterday, we were feeling so different. I don't know what to do so I throw my clothes in a hamper and walk around her to the doorway.

"Bell." She whispers and this time I freeze but don't turn towards her. I don't think I can fight my feelings if I look into her deep blue eyes again. "Bellamy, please look at me."

"Princess, what do you want me to do?" I ask with a sigh, knowing that I would walk to the ends of the earth if she asked me to and that thought terrifies me more than Kennedy and her dad.

"Will you stay with me?" She asks in a certain reverence. I can tell that she is terrified too. She is holding her heart out there on her sleeve for me to crush if I choose.

"Why?" I finally ask as I turn to see her sitting on my bed in my shirt, the one I gave her yesterday.

"I can't sleep. I just... I'm sorry. It's not fair of me to ask. I'll go." She looks down and I hear a soft sob.

I can't take it anymore. I'm weak and I know it. I sit down on my bed next to her and wipe the tears away with my fingertips. "Who hurt you Princess? Who did this to you?"

She starts to sob and I pull her to my chest and start to rock her. I feel her tears on my naked chest and they burn as if they were my own. "You're safe. Sleep, Princess. Sleep and I'll keep you safe." I whisper into her hair and kiss it. I'm not sure how long we sit like this, me holding her as if she were a porcelain doll and her holding onto me like I'm her only lifeline but soon I feel myself drifting off.  

"I don't deserve you but I think I might love you. I don't think I will ever be able to let you go." I say before I fall completely asleep. 

A/N The song is Mayday Parade's Stay. I'd love knowing what you guys think! I love your comments and votes! Thanks for reading! We broke 11K for reads! That's so exciting!

Ark Mafia (Bellarke) Bellamy's Story #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now