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"What? She didn't tell you?" Cage has a sneer on his face that makes me want to punch him right in the mouth. I know if I hit him hard enough I can break his jaw so that he'll never be able to sneer like that again.

"Shut up Cage or so help me I will make you regret it." Clarke has a blade in her hand that I hadn't noticed earlier.

"Fine, I'll leave you with him to explain." He winks before leaving the room.

Clarke tucks her knife into her back pocket and walks over to me. She moves slowly as if she's worried any sudden movement will cause me to attack. Then again right now I just want to know what the heck is going on. When she gets to me she steps around me to touch my bleeding wrists.

"Bell, you're hurt." She says in a soft voice.

"It doesn't matter Clarke, tell me what's going on. I thought that this was because of me but it isn't. It's you. Are you really the Opal Princess?"

"Bellamy, it's not that simple." She gives me a sad look and kneels in front of me. She rips off a part of her silver dress to dab at my head. I shift away from her, but she just continues to dab at the now dried blood on the back of my head. I don't even remember hitting my head, but man does it hurt.

"No Clarke. It's completely simple. Just tell me if you're the Opal Princess or not." I finally push her away enough that she stops trying to clean me off.

"Yes, but that's not who I am." She says and won't look at me.

"Who you are and who you have to be to survive are two different people. But, seriously? Why didn't you tell me? I let you near my sister. I let you in my house." I am pissed. Sure I've been keeping secrets from her, but this is huge. "Your dad is Jake Griffin."

"Yes. I'm so sorry. You can't tell anyone."

"Well you don't have to worry about that as long as you have me chained up Princess." I spit at her.

"Bell, it's not like that. You don't understand. They were going to kill you. This is the only way I could keep you alive." She sounds so sincere that I want to believe her, but I know better.

"If you've touched Octavia I don't care who you are; I will end you. Got it?" I have to fight down the pain when I see the hurt in her eyes. I shouldn't care about her. She's the reason for me being here. She's why I am stuck in this job. She's the reason that my life is this way.

"Bellamy, I swear this wasn't supposed to happen. They weren't supposed to find me. My dad was set up. He never did what they said. He's never even shot a man in self-defense let alone what happened to that cop. My mom lied and said it was him." She is pleading with me. I can tell that she wants me to believe her but I will not fall for that again, ever.

"I don't freaking care about what wasn't supposed to happen! I care about whether or not you have my sister chained up to a wall too!" I bark at her. She falls back away from me as my voice rises.

"Don't you talk to Clarke like that; I will slit your throat." The voice shocks me almost more than any other part of this. I turn back to the door where I see the last person I'd ever expect to be here. 

A/N Who do you think it is? What is Clarke up to?

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Ark Mafia (Bellarke) Bellamy's Story #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now