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"Bellamy you need to eat." Octavia says pushing the bowl of oatmeal towards me.

I just push the bowl away from me and turn onto my side. I have only been able to stay awake for an hour tops at a time. It's been a day since I woke up and I still can't believe that Clarke is gone.

"Fine, sleep, but know this brother: I will not let you die on me." She says as I fall asleep.

After some time I wake to the sound of hushed tones. It sounds like they are arguing. I tune into them and catch some of the conversation.

"Have you told him about Clarke?" A man asks.

"Yes." O answers.


"No. He's hurting enough."

"He needs to know."

"I can't do it Lincoln. He doesn't remember anything."

"He's mourning someone who doesn't deserve it O. He'll find out. It might as well be from someone who loves him." Lincoln's voice is harsh.

"You weren't here when I told him she was dead. He cried Lincoln. I have never seen my brother cry; not even when he broke his arm and the bone was sticking out. I just can't handle seeing that again. He's supposed to be the strong one. I'm not strong enough for this."

"Shhh. Baby, I'm here for you. I'll stay. You have been so strong these past few months. You are amazing and beautiful. You are not a liar. You need to tell him before it eats at you anymore."

"Months?" I ask forgetting that I was eavesdropping and shouldn't speak.

"Bell, you're up." O says and I open my eyes to see her wiping at her eyes.

"O don't play coy with me. How long have I been here?" I glare at my sister who is sitting on Lincoln's lap.

"Bellamy, don't worry about it. You just need to rest up and get stronger so we can go home." She says and Lincoln frowns.

"Tell him." He urges her forward so that she gets off of his lap.

"Yes, tell me." I growl.

"Fine. It's been three months. I graduate next week."

"What?" I shout so loudly that two nurses rush in thinking I'm hurt. Lincoln gets up and explains. They give me sympathetic frowns before walking out of the room.

"You were in a coma."

"I know that, but how could you not tell me that it was for so long?"

"You're dealing with enough already Bell." Octavia gives my hand a squeeze but I pull it away from her. Her wording reminds me about the first part of their conversation.

"What about Clarke? You haven't told me everything."

"Bellamy, please just give it some time." She pleads with me.

"No, tell me or I'll get someone else who will."

"Bellamy you're not ready."

"Octavia you have no right to keep this from me. What haven't you told me? Is she alive?" I ask and feel a shred of hope.

"No, thankfully."

"How could you say something like that?"

"I understand that you don't remember that night so it must be hard, but Finn told us everything." She says and I almost regret lying to her.

"Finn?" I screech as the monitors start beeping out of control. "Finn came near you?"

I try to jump out of my bed but then my limbs get heavy and I slump against the bed.

"See? I told you. He's not ready." Octavia's sobs are the last thing I hear before I blackout.

"Bellamy, how are you feeling?" O asks as she brushes my hair away from my face to wake me up.

"What did Finn tell you?" I fight to keep myself calm so that they don't drug me again. Every time that I've woken up since Finn's name was mentioned I haven't been able to control my anger so they keep giving me sedatives. Finally, this time my monitors stay quiet.

"It doesn't matter. Just know that we're all okay."

"Tell that to Clarke." I grumble and look down and my wrists. I can see the small scars on them from the chains.

"You know what? I'm sick of this. She wasn't the saint that you think she was! She is the reason you're in this hospital bed! She tried to kill you! I'm glad she's dead!" Octavia screams and only stops because Lincoln comes in and wraps his arms around her.

"Now doesn't that feel better? You needed the truth out there." He murmurs to her.

"How dare you say that?" I say in a deadly tone. "She is the only reason I am still alive. She gave up her life to save me. Finn-" I stop speaking when I feel the now familiar drug hitting my veins. This time instead of taking it I grab the IV and rip it out of my arm. Blood starts to pool by my arm and the monitors are going crazy but I ignore them.

"Finn," I start again, "Finn is the one who wanted to kill me. He shot me, chained me up, and, and." I break down into sobs.

Octavia's arms wrap around me and I wish with everything inside me that it was Clarke who was holding onto me. Two Doctors and a couple of nurses burst through the door and usher O out of the room.

"What have you done?" One of the nurses asks me and I feel a prick in my arm. The world spins again and I am hit with the scent of strawberries. Clarke. That's my last thought before I fall asleep.

A/N Intense right? What do you think?

Ark Mafia (Bellarke) Bellamy's Story #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now