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By the time I have pulled myself out of my stupor I can see Clarke turning the corner all the way at the end of the street. I could run after her, but instead I jog to my bike, pick it up, and jump on. I peel out of their driveway and race to stop her. If she's going to leave me I dang well better know why and I know it was more than just fun last night.

If she thinks she's going to get away from me that easy, she has another thing coming.

I know I'm speeding and driving like a madman, but when I see her just up ahead it's worth it. I pull my bike in front of her to cut her off. She jumps back and yelps. I can see tears streaming down her face and my heart breaks just a little more.

"What do you want, Bell. I thought you understood." She sniffles.

"I understand that you're trying to push me away and that it's a mistake." I lean my bike on the kickstand and get off slowly. I approach her like you would a feral lion.

"It's a mistake? Ha! You don't even know me? Or do you think it's a mistake because it's you I'm leaving. You're too good for someone to leave? Is that it? Only you can leave people?" She spits at me in a harsh voice.

"No. I know it's a mistake because I do it."

"So, leaving is your thing? I didn't see it trademarked. Sorry, I guess I'll have to come up with another word for it then. What-"

I can't take her anger anymore so I do what I really shouldn't do at this moment in the middle of the sidewalk. I reach out to grab her and tug on her arms to make her fall forward. Her hands instinctively go to my chest to stop her fall.

I lean forward and kiss her. This kiss is unlike any other I've ever had. It's filled with bitter rage, and fiery anger. It's a punishment. She bites my lip just hard enough to cause me to moan. I nip at her tongue when it plunges into my mouth. It's a battle that neither of us can win.

Her hands that are still on my chest flex around the collar of my jacket and start to push me back. I get the message even through the haze in my mind and start to pull back.


The single word changes everything. She yanks me back to her and one of her hands slips into my jacket by my collar. It moves up to my hair. She pulls on it ever so slightly, just enough to make me feel even crazier. My hands are still on either side of her face, but I let go just to grab her waist. I let my hands slide down to her hips and lift her up. Her legs wrap around me and her other hand slips inside my jacket to rake against my chest. I know I'll have marks but I don't care.

Somewhere along the lines our kiss has become less like a battle and more like a dance. Our tongues swirl in rhythm and there is hardly any space left between us.

She giggles when my hand starts to slide up and down on her thigh. I keep doing it because her giggle is the most beautiful sound I've ever heard.

"Stop." She giggles against my lips. She lowers one hand to grab mine.

"Ticklish, Princess?"

A horn honking in the distance shatters everything. I drop Clarke to the ground and she looks at me wide eyed. We're both breathing so hard that we can't speak. 

A/N Hope this makes up for the emotionally intense ending of the last chapter! :)

Ark Mafia (Bellarke) Bellamy's Story #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now