(Pt 1)

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It had been an unusual day. For one Harry had been woken sooner than his regular wake up call and his mother dressed him in his best clothes.
His hair was styled, nails done and light makeup caked onto his face. Than his mother—Lily Potter neé Evans—slipped him into heels and contacts instead of his beaten wire glasses.
Harry found himself being held by the arm and being Apparated along with his mother into a warm room. A fireplace was lit behind them and a snow-white table sat in the middle of the room.

Lily pulled on Harry's arm and led him out of the dark room and into a bit lighter hall.
"Follow me." She ordered.
Lily let go of Harrys arm and began to walk down the hall. Harry quickly followed after his mother, his head bowed as they passed a few people.

"Lily your a fool for coming back."
Harry glanced through his lashes. A man stood next to Lily, walking her same quick pace.
"I have a plan Lucius."
"The last time you and your husband had a plan it ended in us almost being caught. Do you understand the full extent of what you—"
"Yes I do know." Lily snapped, "I've come with a peace offering."
Lucius snorts. "What? You mean that boy following us? He'd take more interest in Bellatrix."
Lily scoffs, "Unlike Bellatrix he is an Omega. He can have children."
"And he's underaged. The Dark Lord would never take interest in such a scrawny... thing."
"You don't know that." There was an etch of panic in Lilys voice.
"You and that husband of yours are on the outer circle Lily. Don't think you know the Dark Lord so well."
Lilys fists clench in Harrys line of sight.

Lily stopped and so did Harry.
"Open the door for me Lucius. I can't close it when I'm inside."
"It's called magic." Lucius breathed.

Lucius walked from Harrys line of sight and Lily grabbed Harrys arm, shoving him to her side.
"Speak one word without permission, and I'll have James lock you in for weeks." Harry winced at Lilys tone. "Got it boy?"
He only nodded. Lily let go of his arm and nodded toward Lucius. Lucius rolled his eyes, his attitude a 15 year old girls. He grabbed the knob, twisted it and cracked the door open.

Lily strode forward and Harry quickly followed behind her. She bowed and Harry followed. The door clicked behind them and they were engulfed in shadows.
The room was warm by the lit fireplace blocked by a dark leathered couch and a series of chairs. Harry felt the scrutiny of a persons look from in front of them.
"Potter." Harrys surname was pressed deeply, "What do you want?"
Harry closed his eyes at the tone. He was sure the voice wasn't pointed at him but just the usage in front of him made his insides shrivel.
"A-a peace offering m-my lord."
There was a pause than a sudden, "Amuse me."
Lily straightened to face the Dark Lord. "My son, the Omega." She added as an afterthought.
Tears burned behind Harrys eyes.

His parents had always gone on and on about selling him or marrying him off. But they had never even brought up the idea of trading him for the good graces of some evil man. Especially just to live one more day. He had hoped he were more even with how low his parents talked about him.

There was another pause, then, "You want to sell your son for my good graces?"
"Not... necessarily sell my lord."
"Then by all means Potter tell me why your son is even here."
"Well—we thought—I mean I—this is to show how loyal we are... my lord." Lily splutters. She hadn't expected the Dark Lord to ask for reasoning, or even be against the idea.

Than again she'd never taken serious notice to the Dark Lords lack of... spouses. They all just thought he'd never been into sexual relations.
It's not like he would have to actually care about Harry. Lily and James certainly didn't.

"Lucius." He barked.
Harry jumped at the tone and held a hand to his mouth to keep a small shriek down. The door opened and in stepped Lucius.
"Yes my lord."
"Put Lily downstairs with Wormtail."
That sparked something within Harry. He knew Wormtail. Wormtail was his fathers old friend who had first got them hooked on the dark side.
"Wha—no my lord please!"
"Come on Lily." Lucius grabbed Lilys arm.
"Don't touch me!"
There was a sharp slap than eery silence. Harry knew it was Lily who had done the slapping, it sounded just like when she slapped him.

"Are you planning on bowing all day?"
I could do it, Harry involuntarily thought.
"Stand up." Harry shuddered at the pressure in his tone. He stood straight, and grabbed onto his right arm still staring down at the ground.
"Come here." He beckoned.
Harry was hesitant but obeyed and began to walk toward the desk. He stopped in front of an ebony desk and glanced through his eyelashes, daring a peek at the Dark Lord.

He wasn't as Harry had pictured. Harry had pictured an aged man looking at least 40. But sitting in front of him was a 20 looking man with wavy bangs swooping over his forehead and burning bloodred eyes wearing layers of black robes.

"You're an Omega." He was telling, not asking.
"Yes." Harry murmured.
"You knew your mother would do this." Again, he was telling not asking.
"N-no." Harry was quieter than before.
"What?" His impatient tone makes Harry wince.
"I-I-I didn't k-know." He tries to be a bit louder.
"You didn't know?" This time it's a question.
Harry nods.
"Words Omega."
"Y-yes." Harry stutters.

There's a pause. "Come here."
Harry went to say he was fine on the opposite side of the desk but he knew better and obeyed. The Dark Lords eyes followed Harry's every move as he rounded the desk and stopped just out of his reach.
"Closer Omega."
Harry again was hesitant but listened and walked just into his reach. The Dark Lord reached out, twisted a pinch of Harry's clothing around his long fingers and pulled him closer.

Harry glanced up, accidentally meeting his eyes and looked back down.
"What's your name?"
Harry swallowed, his heart thumping deep in the middle of his throat.
"H-Harry... H-Harry Potter."

||Words: 1088||

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