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Everything was deadly silent. The only thing that could be heard was the click clink of Harry's wand as it fell to the floor.
Harry's eyes were wide, as if they were saucers behind his glasses.

His hands shook as they lifted to cover his quivering lips. Tears flooded his eyes as he stared at what he had just done.
He hadn't meant to. The spell was just so close.. and it could've killed him.
... and that memory.

A black cloak flew over Harry, covering him with his body pressed firmly against someone's chest.

"Get rid of the body." Tom ordered.

Two of the death eaters didn't need to be told twice before levitating the body and leading it out of the room.
Tom glanced down at Harry. The shock had taken affect quicker than he would've hoped.
But it was him or Harry and now at least Harry knows what it means to take a life.
But still, Tom couldn't help and feel as though he was at fault for this.

He should've stopped the dueling when he first saw it. He shouldn't have waited and watched as Harry magnificently performed.
If Harry had only been stupified when destructed the death eater wouldn't have gotten a cruel punishment.. but death seemed to have taken its course.

Tom apparated to their room and Harry almost instantly fell to his knees. His hands still glued to cup his mouth; even if they were shaking furiously.

Tom knelt and cupped Harry's cheek, lifting his face for their eyes to meet.

"Shh." Tom hushed as he pulled Harry into him. He slipped his fingers into Harry's sweat damped hair, trying to calm the shaking boy before he screamed in full realization of what he did. "... do you know what spell that was Harry? The one you casted?"

Harry shouldn't know about the killing curse. If he did that would make since why he had casted it but it also seemed that Harry didn't know what he was doing. Which was very possible seeing the now dead death eater had casted the spell first and Harry most likely panicked.
Harry slowly nodded, his body feeling as if it was frozen.

Tom looked down at Harry. "He casted the same spell at you. If you hadn't done that-"
"Than I wouldn't have killed someone!"

Harry pulled at his hair. His body sliding from Toms hold into a small ball on the floor.

"Than he would've killed you Harry."
Harry felt Tom pull him back into his spread legs; and before he could control it, the words came out, "Just like you tried to kill me?"

The room frosted over in deathly silence and tension. Tom froze with a hand resting upon Harry's stomach and another wrapping around the front of his shoulders.
His grip tightened around the fourteen-year-old at one brutal realization, Harry remembered.

"... I never did such a thing." He lied, a hint of Parseltongue in his voice.
Harry didn't answer. He didn't need Tom to say he did or didn't because he knew Tom but he also knew that was before this happened. Before his mother sold him to Tom for his forgiveness in whatever her and his father had done. Before Tom took his virginity and successfully took his heart as well. Before Tom got him a wand. Told him he loved him. And made him feel as though he was someone.
But in the end, all Harry could focus on. Was not that he had just killed someone. But that he was only in this position because Tom took up on his mothers offer... and that's why his father still roams free.

Harry bit his nails.
He didn't care he was in Toms hold. He didn't care if people knew he was in Toms hold. That Tom and him had done much more. Because in all reality, this was the only place he felt safe. Somewhere he could relax and be himself. 

... but what was himself?
Was he a murderer? Was he only Tom Riddle or, Lord Voldemorts, lover? Was he only the fourteen-year-old soon to be fifteen-year-old who just learned how to perform magic or have the freedom to learn magic and about the wizarding world.

What was he? Who was he?
Harry Potter didn't quite fit him. It was his name.. but could he only be a Potter for the sake of being sold time and time again by his parents?
Was he only meant to be a pawn?.. or was he meant to be more?

Who was he? Who was Harry?

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