(Pt 7)

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He stared, the boy defenseless as he slept curled into himself on the bed. Nagini laid downstairs in front of the fire -Simon purring on the sofa as he always seemed to do. But Tom, he stared at Harry -intently.
The boy had been different when he came back from Malfoy Manor. He had been curled into himself, hunched as if expecting a form of harsh punishment. He had been on his guard, a wary glint in his eye, even as he ate, and even after a bath.

Standing, Tom moved a piece of Harry's sleepwear to catch a glimpse of his mark on the boy, before making his way out of the room. The door locked automatically with the click.
Downstairs, in the common area, Tom sauntered to the sofa and picked the cat up by it's fur. Simon yawned, blinking open his drowsy eyes. "What did you do cat?" He spat. Nagini lifted her head, the venom in her masters tone surely meant she could eat the damned feline. Simon only stared at him with innocent big eyes. Sneering, Tom walked from the sofa to the door and threw the cat out. An angered meow came from him as he laid on his feet and darted for the crack in the door. Tom slammed it shut before the damned feline could enter the common area once more.
Turning, he sat in the singular chair with Nagini happily curling at his feet. He bent to pet her glittering scales. 'You will say here Nagini,' he said. 'Watch the boy from a corner -and make sure that damned feline does not touch him.' Nagini hissed in giddy response. 'Of course master.' Humming, Tom leaned back, his chin cradled between his fingers -his mind wondering to what Simon could've possibly done to Harry.

**Curled in the far corner of the common area, Nagini lay watching for Harry's arrival. The boy comes down fairly early, his hair messier than average and deep bags tugging at the beginnings of his eyes.
Her tongue flicks out as Harry sits on the sofa and a tray of light foods appear. Though Harry only picks at it, his mind seemingly elsewhere.

The time drawls on by. Nagini watched as Harry eats only a few bites of food, passes out from his lack of sleep the night prior... then when Simon slips into the common area.
The cats hair is up, as it always is when he knows Nagini or Tom are in the Manor. But nonetheless, Simon makes his quiet way toward Harry and leaps onto the couch. The kitten mewled his way into Harry's small body before laying flat and rumbling quiet purrs. Harry continued to sleep.
His nap seemed to last forever, until Simon stretched and began to paw at the boys face.

The fire popped as Simons paw smacked once more into Harry's cheek. Gasping, he was up in a quick second, and Simon meowed -his eyes dowey up at the human. Meowing again, Simon ran his tail over Harry's nose, making him sneeze before jumping off the couch.
Naginis head tilted up as Simon pushed the cracked door open a bit more before slinking out -as if inviting Harry to follow along. Harry visibly frowned, but got up from the sofa. He laid his outer robe down, seeming to know where Simon would take him, before quickly following the cat. Nagini was quick to follow, snapping her long body from her comfortable position. Her tongue snapped out, happy to know she was not left behind for nothing.

She barely whipped her tail from the cracked door, before Harry clicked it closed quietly, before snapping his fingers. A low fire appeared, and then Harry was off into Naginis masters Manor.
Oh how Tom would love to know the boy was disobeying. The snake held her sharp laughter, before following the fading light.

Simon meowed every here and there, when Harry began to wonder off possibly from curiosity- but most likely from his lack of ever out of the common area.
Down one, two, three, staircases, Nagini slides her way after Simon and Harry. Until they pause in front of a door. This door is unguarded as Harry reaches for it, and opens the latch to show... the kitchen? Nagini pauses as light pours out from the kitchen, extinguishing Harry's little fire as his hand dropped. Simon meowed, his tail swiping over Harry's leg, before sliding through the door. Harry was quick to follow.

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