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They appeared in the middle of Diagon Alley. Tom looked down at Harry and pulled his hands away from his eyes.

"You can open your eyes Harry." He mused.

Harry nodded and slowly let his eyes open. He looked up at Tom confused when he noticed they were in Diagon Alley.
He had been here plenty of times for his brothers Hogwarts shopping and if his mother ever needed to get something.

Harry felt something heavy drop on his shoulders and looked up to notice Tom had given him his winter robe.

"Won't you be cold?"
"I have a higher body temperature than you."
Harry closed his eye as Tom kissed his cheek.
"Now put your hands in the sleeves and come on."

Tom led Harry along the white covered paths as Harry slipped his arms into Toms winter robe.
Many of the shops were closed seeing it is Christmas Eve but it was peaceful without the crowd of people.

"So... where are you taking me?"
Tom smirked. "How about you just be patient Harry."
Harry blushed in embarrassment and nodded, feeling like he just upset Tom without meaning to.
Tom rubbed Harry's cheek before letting his hand fall back to his waist.

Soon they reached a store Harry didn't exactly remember. The name, Ollivanders.
Harry furrowed his eyebrows and looked up at Tom again but more confused than last time.
Tom only shook his head and opened the door before leading Harry in first.

"It's open." Harry breathed.
"Always is." Tom mused.

The owner soon came from the back. His white hair looking like he was electrocuted. One eye was lazier than the other which gave him a.. well scary look seeing he's already so old and wrinkly.

"Ah.. Tom Riddle." Garrick paused as he eyed Harry. "What have you come here for with... the youngest Potter son?"
"A wand. It had come to my attention he hasn't gotten one yet."
Garrick looked back at Harry who was fiddling with the sleeves of Toms robe.

"Well let's start with a Unicorn hair core and Acacia wood.. nine inch."
He climbed a latter and pulled a thin but long box from the long stack. He walked back down and opened the box.

Harry looked amazed as Garrick held the wand out to him. Tom pushed Harry's back lightly, telling him to go on.
Harry bit his lip but took the wand.

"Well give it a flick."
Harry waved the wand for a whole side to crash down. All three of them jumped and Harry quickly sat the wand down, afraid he'd do something else.

"Well.. hm.. m-maybe-"
Without completely his sentence, Garrick headed for the back and pulled out a slightly longer box. He came back down and opened it up.
"Dragon heartstring, Yewl wood and 10 inches."

Harry took the wand and gave it another flick. This time the lights were shattered and some books flew from the shelves.
He sat the wand down again and looked at Tom.
Though Tom was having trouble not having a heart ache from the books and wands flying around along with the sparks of electricity, he found the experience quite amusing.

Garrick stared at Harry with his eyes flickering to Harry's very noticeable lightning scar. He than glanced at Tom before walking through the small hall of the back and pulling a very specific wand out.
He walked back to the duo and gently placed the wand down.

Garrick had never thought he'd be trying this wand. and if this was the wand that chose Harry, there was no doubting who gave him that very specific scar.

"Holly and Acacia wood, with a Phoenix feather and dragon heartstring core. 11 inches."
Garrick slowly held the wand out to Harry though he eyed Tom the whole time. Tom eyed the wand as Harry took it.

Before Harry could even flick the wand. A sort of white string ran around his hand and the handle of the wand.

"I think we have found your wand Mr. Potter.. though I must tell you something important about the core."
Harry looked back at Tom in worry but faced Garrick for him to continue.
"The specific Phoenix to drop your Phoenix feather core also dropped another feather. That specific core turned your wand into the twin of the very man who gave you that scar."

Garrick pointed at Harry's scar. Harry touched the lightning scar and tilted his head.

"My mother said I was born with it."
"Well than she lied to you.. but that stories for another time."

Harry looked at Tom questionably but let it go and let Garrick package his new wand.

Once they were outside the worn down shop, Harry looked up at Tom and pulled on his robe. Tom looked down and was a little surprised when Harry pecked him on the lips.
A wide smile grew along his lips and Tom kissed them.

"Learn how to use that wand properly, and we'll talk about Hogwarts."
Harry looked at Tom surprised.
Tom nodded and Harry grew a smile that reached both his ears.
"Now come on, we still have preparations to do for tomorrow."
Harry nodded and let Tom pull him closer by the waist before they were back in Slytherin Manor.

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