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Too quickly for Toms liking, the time had come.

It had been the morning of Harry's fifteenth birthday when Lulan popped into Harry and Toms room and left a letter on the nightstand before popping away.

Harry could be found asleep like always around this time. While Tom was just finishing up his shower.
When the dark lord came from the bathroom door, his eyes instinctively went to the letter unplaced on Harry's book filled nightstand. It was beside Harry's untouched wand that was resting beside a pile of books.

Tom walked over and picked the letter up. He sat on the bed and kissed the middle of Harry's temple.
It didn't take much to wake Harry up, though it seemed this morning he wasn't in the mood.

"Harry the Hogwarts letter came. Inside it'll tell you whether your accepted or not."
Harry sighed and stuffed his pillow against his chest. Tom shook his head as he handed the letter to Harry.

Harry ripped the letter open as he put his glasses on and.. hesitantly pulled the parchment out.
Inside the envelope was three parchments. Harry looked at the first one.

Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry

Deputy Headmistress Minerva McGonagall
Headmaster Albus P.W.B Dumbledore

Dear Mr. H. Potter,

We are happy to inform you that you have been accepted into the wizarding school of Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry.
School starts on September 1st.
Your train will arrive at seven a.m. sharp and leave at eleven a.m. sharp. Your platform is 93/4 at Kings Cross Station in London.

The rest of the information is on the other two parchments sent with this letter.

Deputy Headmistress Minerva McGonagall

Tom waited for Harry to jump up and down or start crying, but when he did neither and just stared at the letter, Tom squeezed his thigh.

"Well.. what does it say Harry?"
"I... I got accepted."
"Are you not happy about that?"
Harry didn't answer Tom but put the letter down and opened the second parchment to reveal a golden ticket with the platform "93/4" on it.

Tom only watched as Harry read through the supply list. He sighed and took the letter.
Harry looked at him, instinctively hugging his pillow again. Tom frowned.

"Harry do you truly not want to go to Hogwarts?" He moved a piece of loose hair from Harry's forehead.
"I just... what if I hurt someone.. or killed them?"
"Harry you only did that-"
"Because he tried to kill me first... but that doesn't justify what I did."
A smile crept onto Toms lips before he kissed Harry's temple again.
"Your too pure for this world Harry."
The omega looked at Tom questionably.
"What does that mean?"
"It means if you don't get in Hufflepuff I'll die of shock."

"Don't die!"
Tom looked surprised as Harry grabbed onto his torso. He sighed a moment later.
"Don't worry. With you around I'll never die. I promise."
Harry snuggled further into Toms arms, "Promises like that can't always be kept."
"Mine can. I'll make sure of it."

"Dad can we go to Diagon Alley? I want to get my things as soon as possible."
"Why? We have a whole month." Charles groaned.
"Because I'm not you." Gabriel sneered.
James sighed, "I'll take you all to Diagon Alley alright."

"Perfect." The room turned to see Tom walking in with Harry behind him. "I'm taking Harry and I'm sure Lucius, you'll be taking Draco."
"Yes my lord."

Tom sat down and put Harry between his legs on the chair.

"Why does Harry have to go to Diagon Alley?" Harlem muttered.
"He was accepted into Hogwarts." Tom stared almost proudly.

Harry tucked his knees to his chest at the looks his family gave him. He knew Jameses look the best. It was the look he got when he tried to do something his brothers were doing... because he's an omega.
Tom wrapped his arms around Harry's waist.

"He'll be joining fifth year. I'm sure you four will treat him kindly."
Draco looked at his father. He didn't know what to think. The omega who had murdered a death eater was going to his school... what does Harry plan to do when he gets there?

Narcissa grabbed Draco's hand. "I'm sure the children will get along quite nicely." She smiled at Harry but he only kept his eyes down.

Tom grabbed Harry's hand and led him away from the group. Harry stared up at him, taking in the glamour Tom had put up.

"Why do you have a glamour up?"
Tom looked down at Harry. "People who know what I look like still roam around Harry. I need to be careful even if I am the dark lord."
Harry hummed and stepped up quicker to grab onto toms sleeve. "I like how you look."
"Does that mean you'll come and visit on holidays?"
"I can't just go to Hogwarts for the day?"
Tom shook his head, "No Harry. You'll be placed into a house—" He lifted Harry's chin, "you'll have fun I promise."
Harry nodded.

For the rest of the time Harry continued to follow Tom like an obedient puppy as he looked around at stores and different stands.
Omegas had looked Harry's way. Many were surprised by the freedom he had when Harry dilly-dallied behind Tom or lingered at a shop window before running back to Tom at his free will. They were even more surprised at Harry's clothing.

Omegas were mainly accustomed to wear poppy and showy clothes. Their families did it to present them to alphas and betas while alphas and betas show their omegas off like a prize.

Than there was Harry. Looking like a puppy with untamed hair, glasses, a scar on his forehead and wearing covering clothes to show nothing under his slightly shown collarbone.
Some omegas and alphas and betas had witnessed Tom ask Harry if he wanted something to eat or if he wanted to stop in front of a shop. And Harry had the right to decline the offers Tom gave him —of course politely seeing our boys just so kind—.

By the end of it the two only had Florish and Bolts to go into.

"Here." Tom stopped with Harry's hand somehow still in his —the omega was easily distracted—, "The others should be inside already or just about here."
Harry pulled his parchment out and looked at the books.
"None of your books are on the second floor." Tom stated ahead of time.
"Whats on the second floor?"

Tom hummed as he pushed open the door. "Darker books like Parseltongue and the three unforgivable curses."
"Like the books in your manor?"
Tom moved a piece of Harry's hair from his face, "When I mark you will you finally say our manor?"
Harry blushed and looked back down at the parchment in his hands. "I-it's yours... s-so.."

Tom lifted Harry's head and turned him around.

"Better get your books. The crowd is only beginning."
Harry turned around to ask Tom what he meant but Tom was already up the second floor staircase. He sighed and looked at his parchment.

Would there be any copies left?

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