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Tom pulled Harry aside from the group that was getting ready to leave. He lifted Harry's chin.

"Remember. You'll have to use your wand for more than half of the lessons at Hogwarts. Don't get scared, it'll only cause damage you don't want to make."
"D-do I really have to p-pick up my wand?"
"Yes." Tom kissed the top of Harry's forehead, "but as long as you stay calm you'll be fine."
Harry hesitantly nodded, already thinking up a million ways he could screw up a peaceful year at Hogwarts. And the place he doesn't want to be the center of attention of.

Tom kissed Harry properly before sending him back to the group that had been waiting.
Lucius had to grab onto Harry's and Draco's shoulders just so his lords lover would actually be apparated safely to platform 9 3/4.

But the platform wasn't at all what Harry had thought.
He had heard they would have to run through a wall. Or a door. Or something at least solid. But they did none of that. They simply appeared in the middle of a crowded platform that stretched heavily.

In front of them was a large maroon train where students were already saying and waving their goodbyes to their families.

Harry felt a lump grow in his throat at all of the students he has the potential to study beside. There were so many.. and Harry didn't do exactly good with crowds. Never being around large crowds before.

"See ya."
"Tell us if you hear about mum."

Harry watched as his brothers and Draco walked off. That left him alone with Lucius and James.

"Are you not going?" James snarled, "our lord went to great lengths to get you accepted into Hogwarts and your not even going?"
Harry flinched and lowered his head.

He clenched the handle of his trolly... and pushed it forward. The pit in his stomach only sunk lower and lower until he felt like throwing up.
Harry stopped beside one of the trains open doors and grabbed Hedwigs cage before going to find a compartment.

Students were running back and forth. Yelling at each other. And chatting about their summer holidays while crowding into compartments.

At one point Harry had even opened a door and instinctively closed it when he felt the negativity coming from the silence in that section.

Eventually Harry found a compartment near the section he did not want to enter again. It was like being in a room of death eaters... but worse and less killer intent.

By the time Harry had dragged his trunk into the compartment, a boy with ginger hair and a rather large nose was sitting on the opposite side.

The boy looked up when he heard Harry dragging and leaning his trunk up against the seat.

"Oh. The cage with the owl must be yours. Hope you don't mind but every other compartment is full and I don't want to go into the other section. That's where the Slytherins are."
"I-I don't mind."

Harry sat on the other side with the commotion of everyone else drowned out by their awkward silence.
Harry was mainly messing with his wild bangs and a loose thread or two on his robe.

"So..." the boy tried to converse, "your clothing. Are you from a wealthy pureblood family or something?"
Harry only glanced up at the boy. "Uh.. y-yeah I am."
"So your family is like the Malfoys huh?"
Harry flinched at the disdain in the boys tone. "I-I guess."
"... what's your family name?"
"Oh... like Harlem Potter?"
Harry nodded at the mention of his brothers name.
"Well Harlem isn't such a bad guy... from what I've heard of course. I don't like to indulge myself in others business. Percy seems to like him but Fred and George don't really. Than again there is his twin Gabriel who is more of the twins favorite but Charles is the one Fred and George seem to like the best. Do you have a favorite sibling? Are you an alpha like them? Your clothing makes you stand out quite a bit. Alphas like to stand out from a crowd."
Harry clenched his fists, "I don't have a favorite sibling. I am not an alpha but an omega. Please stop asking questions."
"Oh... sorry. I didn't mean to upset you mate. Oh! My names Ronald Weasley by the way— but everyone calls me Ron. Well my brothers like to tease me so not everyone. Also I'm a beta."

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