(Pt 9)

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The air stilled as Toms foot hit the book. Slowly, his eyes lowered to the book at his foot. Harry's soul stuttered as the Dark Lord lowered, picked up the book and... stared at the title.
It was one of his —one of Toms. Sneaking a peak over his shoulders, an amused lift took his lips. It was barely visible -no one could see it unless they were an inch from Toms face. Turning back around, his tongue tutted before he stepped up to the cell. A single swipe of his hand and the cell door clinked open.

Harry bit his lip, but couldn't help when he leaned forward in wonder. How had Tom done that? Harry watched as the Dark Lord stalked inch after inch toward his godfather until he was standing -towering over him. Harry clenched his fists, hesitant to make himself known as he watches the Dark Lord bow enough to touch Sirius' head. He shudders and jerks, but it's pathetically weak from his lack of food and water.
It's like time slowed, when Harry realized, all too late, that Simon was in his grasp. The kitten mewled, hissed and flailed his tiny paws and claws in an attempt to escape the man's grasp. Than the kittens eyes glanced at Harry, and he froze. The Dark Lord threw Simon from the cage, a horrid meow hissing off the kittens small tongue mere feet from the snake, Nagini, who Harry hadn't noticed before. Simons fur stuck up from his small body, on guard as Tom left the cell.

"Damn cat. How do you always enter places your not welcomed?" The Dark Lord was saying. Simon hissed, his tail straight. Until Nagini made a bite for him. Harry scowled. That damn snake really was a nuisance. If Harry could... just maybe... bah!
Huffing breathlessly, he watched as the cell door began to close, and began to move so he too could go inside and help Sirius... but he didn't. A hand grabbed the upper part of his arm and pulled. His knees left the ground, forcing him to dangle -as he shared a long, horror filled stare with him. The Dark Lord seemed edged, looking down at Harry. He pulled the Omega up, and over his shoulder. The boy squeaked, his legs flung up as the Dark Lord held his arm around Harry's waist.

"Come, Nagini." He slurred in hiss.
Nagini recoiled joyfully and gave a bit of a chuckle at the paleness of Harry's face. The boy knew he'd be utmost punished for this.


Harry stayed silent as the Dark Lord stalked through Riddle Manor. His arm still wrapped over Harry's waist, yet his hand seemed to have become confident as Harry felt it lay nicely on the back of his thigh. It felt strange, and though Harry would want to say disgusting -that simply is not true. He wants to seem disgusted, to smack the hand away, but through everything happening Harry was frozen, and couldn't comprehend if the hand was okay, or if he felt violated.
Truly it didn't matter. He was going to die anyway and it was because he left the damn book in the middle of the hallway, while he had later blamed it on the kitten smaller than his palm.

The door to the common area opened and Harry watched hopefully for the kitten to slink in as well, but the Dark Lord was not easily fooled as he stuck a leg out and kicked the cat back into the corridor before the door shut behind Nagini. Harry couldn't help but gasped, and feel his anger swell, and if... if he wasn't such a coward facing a possible death sentence... than maybe he would've.
Maybe. His mother may not be around, but those teachings were engraved into Harry's brain.

Nagini slithered to the rug in front of the fire, curling into herself while the Dark Lord carried Harry up the spiral staircase hidden from plain view in a far corner. The door swung open, allowing him in with no restriction, before Harry was thrown from the mans shoulder and onto a desk. The candle stick stabbed into his side. Harry gasped and pushed it away, holding onto his side, knowing fairly well how deep the bruise will later be.
He tried to push himself up, but the Dark Lords hands slammed onto either side of him, magic forcing him back onto the desk. Harry's soul froze once more as his gaze fell into the empty red of his forced mate.

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