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Tom tried to ignore it. The loud footsteps running across his hallways or the excited shouts.
He couldn't understand what was happening but knew he needed to stop this nonsense.

Tom stood and groaned at the feeling of using his legs after hours of sitting. He walked to the double doors and opened one to just catch a new recruit.

"Oh I-I'm sorry m-my lord."
"What's all of the ruckus?" Tom growled paying no mind to the young death eaters apology.
The new recruit looked a little surprised. "It's Harry-"

That immediately caught Toms attention. Without hearing the rest of his followers' words, Tom began to storm down the hallways with the new recruit trying to follow.

Tom threw the doors to where Harry was known to practice and saw something that he didn't quite understand but was absolutely furious about.

Five death eaters were currently surrounding Harry. Other death eaters had their wands out and seeming ready to attack any minute.
He went to stop this but had to dodge when one of his death eaters flew out the double doors.

Tom looked up to see another death eater take the others place but only moments after he casted a spell, two of his death eaters were thrown from the circle.
He grabbed one of his death eaters for it to be Lucius Malfoy himself.

"What's going on?" He growled, clearly angered.
"A-after Harry had deflected Bellatrix's spell, every death eater was called to see how long he could last."
Steam came from Toms nostrils. "What?!"
"We are not using harmful spells my lord. Only ones to do the worse of knocking out but Harry... well he's winning."

Tom looked quite surprised. Both looked into the center where Harry currently was.


Barty flew from the circle as Harry disappeared and kicked two death eaters from the back.
Sweat was rolling down his face and he constantly needed to push his glasses up while Harry's robe was no where to be found.
But still, he looked like he was having fun.

"Come on! You can't let the little guy beat you!"
"Shut up! Harry kicked their arses!"

"How long has this been going on?"
"About an hour or two my lord."

That made Tom look at Harry in even more awe. Only weeks ago Harry had needed Tom to get a book from the top shelf of the bookshelf in their lounge room but now, here that same helpless Potter was, defeating more than half of his death eaters.
Though Tom could easily see how exhausted Harry was. Anyone could but they didn't lighten up. Why?

"Come on Harry! Focus on us not the dark lord!" Another taunted.

Harry froze. Tom? Tom was here?
Harry pushed his glasses up once more and looked over to meet eyes with his lover, Tom Riddle.

Harry was only snapped out of his daze by a green light barely missing him. His hair flew in front as his eyes widened at the spell.

Harry's Memory

He was only one years old. Now known as an official omega in the wizarding world.
His brothers were the ages of three, two and two.
Charles being the eldest, Gabriel and Harlem being the second eldests. Than Harry, one years old, or, the youngest.

Harry was clinging to his mother per usual as they walked through unfamiliar hallways.
The hallways were dark and gloomy. It scared Harry as he buried further into his mothers hold. But she had an indifferent look.

Her and James never wanted an omega child let alone as a son. Even if a boy omega is rare, they didn't want their family to seem weak, useless.
And they knew exactly who to go to. A man who hated children and hated useless wizards and witches alike.

"Boys go play with Draco and the others."
Lily's voice was soothing to her alpha boys.

They nodded as if it was another day and entered the living room where Narcissa and the others gladly greeted them.
Lily and James however continued to walk. Lily's grip tightened on Harry's side but when he wiggled as a signal that it hurt, Lily didn't do anything except tighten it a bit more.

They entered a grand office where the fireplace was lit and a man sat in one of the chairs. They had knocked of course, to only show respect even if their lord had known they were coming but not for why.

Harry looked over at the man, feeling his intense eyes but quickly looked back into the darkness of his mothers clothing when he had met gruesome crimson eyes.

"Why are you here?"
"Our child my lord." James spoke. "He's an omega."
Harry looked back over when he heard the scary man's sigh. "And what does that have to do with me? He is not my problem."
"An omega is only used for a mere housewife my lord... we only want the strongest to follow you."

The man Harry's parents kept calling the dark lord, looked indifferent as he stared into the blazing fire.

"What makes you think I'd chose your children to serve me? You were once followers of Albus Dumbledore.. your children may not be so different."
"We were fools but our children won't be.. but we can not say the same for the omega." James jumped in before they'd have to do the dirty work themselves.

He sighed once more and waved a hand.

"Show me the child."
James nudged Lily who rolled her eyes and advanced to their lord. She sat Harry down on the coffee table even though he had struggled as to hold onto her.

Lily backed up to stand beside James once more. Harry looked at his parents to the scary man with the red eyes.
The man stared back, seeming enchanted with Harry's set of emerald orbs.

He couldn't understand what Lily and James saw that was so useless of the boy. Yes, he wouldn't become a famous wizard but he would make an amazing bachelor for an alpha.
Lily and James could sell him for an amazing price. Even if Harry was only one years old, the dark lord could see the potential Harry had to become an excellent lover and mother.

But yes, the boy wouldn't be of use for much more. And since he is growing up in the dark with his brothers, he could give away crucial information if he was dared sold to a light follower.
With that, the dark lord sighed and slipped his wand from his sleeve.

Words didn't even form from his mouth as a sickening yet brilliant green light came from his wand, heading straight toward Harry.

Click. Clink.

The room had fallen silent. All eyes on the once living man who had shot the curse first.
Harry, who had seemed to be almost forgotten, stood in horror.

W-what just.. happened?

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