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By the time they had gotten to Hogwarts platform. It was dark outside and fog was looming over the bottom of the forests surrounding them.

Harry followed Ron and Hermione off of the train and had even noticed their red ties.

Hermione turned when she noticed Harry was still following them.

"First years go with Hagrid."
Harry followed Hermione to the giant rounding up children smaller or a bit taller than harry.
"A-actually.. I-I'm a fifth year."
She looked at him confused. "Your robes are first year."
"Well I haven't been sorted into a h-house."
"So your a first year."
"No.. I'm fifteen."
"But your not sorted?"
"W-well this is my first year h-here."
"So your a first year."
Harry had to clench his fists and take a deep breath just so he wouldn't growl something incoherent at Hermione.
"I was accepted as a fifth year... I have to meet Albus Dumbledore to be sorted."
Hermione crossed her arms, clearly not believing Harry seeing he's 4'11 in the four house tie and looks like the average eleven-year-old beta.

Ron grabbed Harry's shoulder. "Hermione he's fifteen. Would you give it a break?"
Hermione scoffed, "And how would you know?"
"Maybe because I actually listened to him before you found me on the train."
"So your actually believing him. Had you seen his clothing before?"
"He's a Potter Hermione. If you haven't noticed, the Potters like to show off their alphas, and their omegas apparently."
"He should still go with Hagrid."
"If Harry knows what he's doing than let him do it. It's not like it'll effect you."
"Well if he's just playing smart I don't want anything to do with him."
"He's not like you Hermione."

Hermione rolled her eyes and threw her hands in the air before climbing onto one of the carriages.
Ron gave a reassuring pat to Harry's shoulder and helped him onto the carriage before climbing on and sitting beside Hermione.

The carriage stayed still until Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom climbed on.
Luna opened the Daily Prophet and noticed Harry staring at the creature pulling the carriage.

"It's a thestral." She stated and Harry looked at her.
"I know. I've just never seen one before."
"Yes. Thestrals are very unique creatures and rare to come across. Of course only those who have seen death with their own eyes can see them."
Harry hummed and went back to looking at the creature as Neville greeted Hermione and Ron, his fellow Gryffindors.

"How was your twos summer holiday?"
"My parents took me to France. It was very beautiful but the books were even more extraordinary."
"Fine." Ron shrugged.
Neville nodded and turned to Harry. "I haven't seen you around Hogwarts before. Are you a second year?"
Harry shook his head but didn't speak to Neville. He didn't want Neville to be like Hermione and he didn't really feel comfortable talking to so many strangers in one day.
"No Neville apparently he's a fifth year." Hermione answered.
Neville looked at her surprised but didn't ask anymore questions. But did that stop Hermione.

Of course not.

"Apparently he's gotten special permission to skip first through fourth year. He says he's fifteen but what fifteen-year-old just starts Hogwarts? I tried to tell him that Hagrid—"
"Hermione shut. up."
"I'm only saying Ronald. It's nearly impossible for someone to be accepted into a high year like fifth when they don't even know what is being taught."
"Just because you couldn't do it doesn't mean others can't."
Ron and Hermione shared an annoyed look and Luna looked at Harry.
"I think it would be exceptional to have such a smart omega at Hogwarts."

The four looked at Harry who could only imagine being with Tom and eating dinner. The situation was just uncomfortable and he already missed home.
Especially if this was just the first day.

Harry sighed as the carriage stopped at the bottom of Hogwarts grand staircase entrance.

The five of them climbed off the carriage and walked up the staircase to see Severus Snape —the Potions master— seemingly waiting by the doors.
Ron grumbled something about how he didn't need Snape ruining his appetite already.
But Snape completely ignored him and Hermione and walked straight to Harry.

"Follow me."
With that Severus began to walk away and Harry hurriedly followed him through the crowd of students.
Hermione and Ron shared a look... and being the nosy Gryffindors they were, they followed Snape and Harry.

The four walked past the Great Hall, past the dungeons entrance, past the one eyed witch.
And stopped at the end of a corridor where an Eagle statue rested.

"Sherbet lemon."

Ron and Hermione were stopped in amazement as the Eagle statue moved aside and allowed Snape and Harry into the secret passageway where a staircase took them up.
The two scurried to enter the small room behind the statue but the Eagle slid over just before they could enter.

"Bloody hell!" Ron cried in agony.

Snape knocked on the door for it to fly open and show Minerva McGonagall.

"Not collecting the first years?"
"As the Deputy Headmistress it's mandatory I'm here Severus."

Harry took one quick look at McGonagall and knew she was one he did not want to get on the bad side with. If he did.. well he didn't know what he would have in store for him.

"Minerva will be collecting the first years after this Severus. No need for any minor disdain for one another for such a simple task."

Harry looked up to see who Tom was so sketchy about. Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry and the man known to have defeated Grindelwald.
He was nothing Harry had imagined. Like Tom he thought Dumbledore would look professional in a suit and robe with a look that would make him seem.. powerful.
But instead Dumbledore had long white hair and a beard to match it. His clothing was a gem blue robe with many layers and half-moon glasses sat upon his nose, giving that glimmer of twinkling stars from his blue eyes and the candle light surrounding them.

Dumbledore wore a gently smile that would put anyone to ease. But Harry, knowing full well just how powerful Dumbledore is, it only uneased his nerves further.

"Now, shall we start. The first years will be arriving soon."
McGonagall pulled a chair to the middle of the room and gestured for Harry to sit. He quickly did, not wanting that sharp look she had given Snape to rest on him.

McGonagall lowered the hat onto Harry's head, the scrappy hat falling onto the top of his round glasses.

Harry visibly jumped when the hat began to speak into his ear.

"Hmm~~. Another Potter? My my you all spring up like the Weasleys~. Hmm~~. Yes where shall I put you? Harry Potter~~?... Mm. Plenty of wisdom... and that knowledge. Hm~. But you are no far cry from your parents~~. Mm. Very difficult... difficult indeed."
"Well... let it be.."


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2022 ⏰

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