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For the next two weeks it was murmurs and whispers about what happened. The potter siblings couldn't believe their brother, their omega useless brother, had killed someone. They couldn't believe their father had actually allowed him to use magic, or get a wand, or learn how to read (for all they knew).
On the other hand, the Potters friend, Draco Malfoy had found it most shocking. The death eater was new and didn't know Harry was their dark lords lover.. but to try and kill him. And get killed himself.
A new found fear for the dark lords lover entered many of the death eaters. And entered even more in the ones who had witnessed it.

How Harry was so fluid as he spun and lowered his wand in his hand. He hadn't said any words.
The spell just simply.. came out of his wand. And hit the boy straight in the chest.

No one had seen Harry or Tom since the accident. No one knew where they were, but if they could guess. The couple was in Slytherin manor. Where Tom was teaching Harry more unforgivable spells.

But none of that was true.
They weren't at Slytherin Manor. They weren't practicing more spells. Harry hadn't even picked up his wand since the incident.
Truth is, Harry was in a state of lost.
He didn't know what was happening. What he would do. All he knew was that he killed someone. And just after finding something he was good at, something he liked.
He had used that "something" to kill a new death eater. It had happened so quick, Harry couldn't understand when the spell came into his mind. Was it with the memory? Was it instinct?

It only scared Harry further if it was instinct.

Tom stared at Harry who sat with his knees tucked to his chest. His nails clenching at his pants as he stared at the fire.
Tom sighed and walked over to the couch. He sat the book in his hand, on the table side stand beside Harry before sitting down.

Tom frowned and ran his fingers through Harry's damp hair. He had only gotten Harry to take a bath this morning.
"You can't be like this forever. You hadn't meant to kill that boy."
"... but I still did." Tears welled in Harry's eyes. "I killed him... with my wand."
Tom sighed and pressed his lips onto Harry's temple before pulling him into his arms.
"... I think it's best you go to Hogwarts." Tom had whispered this. It had been on his mind, but he couldn't bare to let Harry go when he was like this... but maybe Harry being here... was why he was like this... maybe he needed to get away to clear his mind. Learn more magic, more about wizard history. And maybe make friends of his own. Ones who didn't see him as the useless omega only to be sold for ones favor.

Harry didn't respond. He was too stunned to speak.
... did Tom want him gone? Was that why he wanted Harry to go to Hogwarts? To get rid of him? To make him make a fool out of himself?

Tom pulled back after minutes of Harry not responding. He tried to lift Harry's chin but the potter omega didn't allow it.
He was shaking and Tom frowned. He laid his chin back on top of Harry's head.

"I think it would be best. You would be able to get away from here.. and maybe you could do something called making friends."
"And kill them?!"
Tom sighed and pulled Harry onto his lap. He wiped the tears from Harry's puffy eyes and peck his lips.
"Harry you only killed that boy because he had tried to kill you first. It's what humans call survival instinct."
"Hic." Harry sniffed. "K-killing someone.. i-isn't survival.. instinct."
"In your case it was. You killed that boy because he had tried to kill you. Stop trying to make yourself sound like the bad person."
"But I a-"
"I would've killed everyone in that room if you would've died Harry." Tom lifted Harry's chin. "You killed one person because they tried to kill you. You are so much better than the other death eaters and I. We kill because we want to. You killed because you were scared."
"Y-you.. k-kill because you..l-like it?"
"Before I had you. Yes."

Harry lowered his gaze. He tried to hold back the tears but they began to pour from behind his glasses once more.
Tom pulled Harry into him, making sure Harry was tucked into his shoulder before rubbing small circles on his back.
Harry clenched Toms robe.

"Hogwarts will get you away from here Harry. You'll be able to study magic safely and— you know Severus right?"
Harry shook his head, not even hearing the name before. Tom rolled his eyes.
Of course Lily and James haven't introduced Severus.
"He's an acquaintance of mine. Severus is the potions Professor.. he'll be able to protect you, alright."
"H-Hogwarts.. i-is that s-scary?" Harry hiccuped.
"Well no... but I don't want the headmaster getting any ideas."

Harry sniffled and nodded. Though it was weak and small, it made Harry relax in toms hold and weakly wrap his arms around the dark lords neck.



Tom moved his neck. He got a glimpse of Harry's closed eyes before the end of his glasses poked at him.
Tom sighed and took his glasses off.

If they were counting blessing right now.
Tom would count himself lucky Harry felt safe enough to fall asleep by him. More than lucky. It was Merlin's blessing.

He sighed and leaned back.

Could Harry really survive that school?

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