(Pt 10)

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The next day when Harry awoke. He found himself not in his shirt and towel, but fully clothed and under the covers. It was confusing, as Harry knew he did not sleepwalk, nor did he sleep talk, and yet here he was under the sheets with the curtain of the window closed and a lovely smell wafting from downstairs.

Bleary-eyed and confused, Harry climbed out of the tall bed and walked to the door. Surprisingly, it wasn't locked. But that only made Harry more weary. No hitting. No yelling... and no solitude? Either the Dark Lord was beginning to pull annoyingly at his tolerance or he really wasn't going to punish him. A snort sounded from the back of Harry's throat a moment later -this was the Dark Lord after all. The man had not a single piece of human within him...

But then what was going on and why was Harry walking down the spiral staircase instead of in the decrepit dungeons with his godfather? What was going on?!
He stopped short on the last step before he would enter the common area. Peaking over the edge, Harry's breath caught behind his throat when he saw the exact person he did not want to see.

Across the common area, on the large sofa, Harry had personally taken up as his napping spot, sat the Dark Lord. A sense of ultimate dread washed over Harry.
Crouching back behind the wall, Harry made to run up to the bedroom again, but his name was called. "Harry, come here." He froze, perfectly rivaling ice on a chilly winter day. Jerking his body, he peeked around the corner to see that the Dark Lord was already looking over the armchair. Their eyes met, making Harry want to die more as they flashed a deep brown before him. "Come here, Harry," He repeated.

Harry, though very reluctant and very hesitant, stepped out of his hiding place. He moved cautiously toward the Dark Lord as Nagini hissed a rather hateful profanity. He couldn't help but flinch. And when he attempted to step back, he grabbed onto Harrys' wrist and tugged him back. Nagini spread her jaw, showing rows of venomous fangs, before Harry quickly looked away from her.
The Dark Lord blinked, staring, seemingly admiring Harry as he kept his wrist prisoned. Harry didn't dare to meet his eye, too scared to be turned into stone. His free hand, the one that held previously onto a book, ran up to Harrys neck where the boys' breath stuttered. He closed his eyes, pinching them together as the Dark Lords hand continued up his neck to the lining of his jaw.

He had never noticed it before, but for Harry being as Omega as he was, he had a rather square jaw. Matching James'.
Harry gulped his Adams apple bobbing, and, for the first time, caught Toms attention.

What else has he not noticed about the boy?
First, the cells, then the book, and now he's noticing the multiple qualities of his Alpha father Harry has.

"Why are you closing your eyes?"
Harry opens his mouth as if to answer, but closes it once nothing but labored breaths come out. "Harry. You'll have to answer me sooner or later -and I know you have no trouble speaking."
He appears to shudder.

Tugging the boy down further, Harry grips onto the arm of the chair to keep himself from falling into the Dark Lord. Harry gasps but keeps his reaction minimal as the monster's tongue runs along his jugular.
He pulls back though, and lets go of Harry's wrist. Harry gladly stands and holds his neck, a deep flush covering up to his ears.

"We will be going out today," Tom announces.
He watches, guiltily amused as Harry blinks. He then frowns. "Why?"
He raises an eyebrow. "I want to go out. Are you going to deny me your company?" That seems to shut Harry up, which Tom had not wanted. So he corrects himself, "I will be taking you to Ollivanders." Harry opens his mouth to, again, ask why. But he quickly closes his mouth. "The details of why aren't important."
A tempted look entered Harrys' eye as if he wanted to protest, but he kept quiet. Instead of tickling his curiosity, the Dark Lord turns to the book that had fallen onto his leg when he'd gone to touch Harrys cheek.

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