|90| Igor

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"This is cheating!" Hanamaki yells as he loses at rock, paper and scissors for the hundred time against you.

"It's just rock, paper and scissors," you remind him as you show him the jar where he has to place his money in as he lost.

Hanamaki curses under his breath as he puts some cash in the jar while you lean back on your chair with a smile. You're wearing an outfit that does with your game. You're wearing a white shirt that's comes with long sleeve and that is tucked inside a black pant's you're wearing. On top of the white shirt, you're wearing a coat that your sister made. Your hair is down and you have a crown on your head to illustrate that you're a Queen at this simple game of rock, paper and scissors.

 Your hair is down and you have a crown on your head to illustrate that you're a Queen at this simple game of rock, paper and scissors

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The events at school have started. Toru is working on his stand with Yuna. They're both doing the game of Karuta. Yuna is the one who will be reading the games and Toru will be the person that the players will be going against. They're both dressed in the traditional outfits for the game.

You were honestly surprised to have learned a few weeks ago that Toru and Yuna can play the game. Yuna said she played it because her grandmother taught her and wanted to play with someone. Toru said that his sister and mother played all the time when he was a kid along with his father and he played with them from time to time and turns out that Toru and Yuna are really good.

They do have a stand but they weren't using any desk. They have a little carpet on the ground with a poster behind them which you helped make.

Ena is doing a game of chance, Cho-Han Bakuchi which is basically a game where you put two dice inside a cup and guess if it's even or odd. She's wearing a white dress shirt that has a v-line with a black blazer and pants. 

The blazer and white dress shirt is rolled up to her sleeves, showing off her 'tattoos' which you drew on her arm. It's why she called you. You drew it as realistic as you could. Ena tried going for the typical yakuza look that's seen in the movies for this game. She has her hair tied up into a low pony tail with a few string hair falling from her face. She truly looks like a badass.

Everyone is doing something. Students who are on their break are going around and checking other classrooms. Parents are walking around with their children. There were a few reporters outside of the school but they weren't allowed in.

At the entrance of the school, there's a few stand, a few sporting events out in the field. There's even poster of the events on the wall around the school, explaining what class is doing what and what time the events such as shows or theatre performance will be and where.

But there has been some people who came to see you to check out the girl who's on the news and who's making a deal deal out of everything. Your classmates and other students started to hate the article and think it's all bullshit but some students were hesitant and parents wanted to check you out to see if you're safe for their kid.

It's a complicated thing but you were use to it.

"Why am I betting money against you?" Hanamaki complains.

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