|24| Just Because

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When you got home, your father was on a chair with the computer, Mark and Jia-Li were no where seen so you assume they were in their room, "I'm back!" you yell as you take off your shoes, jacket and hat.

"Did you have fun?" your father ask you.

"I did," you tel him with a smile as you head to your room. 

"Your mother will be home soon. Are you hungry? Want her to buy something on the way home?" he ask.

"I'm okay with whatever. You know my usual order and don't try to sneak any pickles in them!" you tell him which made him laugh.

"Pickles are good for you! They love you!" your father says which made you laugh.

"Well, I'm going to have to say sorry to the pickles but I'm going to have to kindly reject them!" you tells him as you walk up the stairs. You hear your father laugh. You were going to walk to your room until you remember something. You walk to your brother's door and knock on it.

"Yes?" you hear him say. You open the door and walk in to see him sitting on his gamer chair while on his tablet reading Solo Levelling, "(Name)?" he says, wondering why you're here.

"Here," you say as you took a small google card play from your pocket and gently throw it at him.

He catches it and looks at it, "No way!" he says as he look at the card. It was a 100$ google card, "Did you buy this? Why? Did you do something?" Mark ask as he doesn't understand why you got him this.

"I work for a reason," you tell him with a smile.

"But why did you get it? It's not my birthday, not Christmas. There's no reason why you would get me this," Mark says as he put it on his tablet down.

"Just because," you tell him with a smile as you walk out of his room and close the door. You then walk to your sister's room and knock on her door.

"Yes?" Jia-Li says. You open her door and walk in. You see your sister sitting on her chair with her pyjamas. Her hair is tied up into a bun and she was doing her night skin care routine, "Here," you tell her with gentle smile as you place a small bag on her table that was in your hoody pocket.

Jia-Li looks at it and opens it to see what's it in, "Is this...?" Jia-Li ask as she holds the bracelet and look at you.

You nod, "It's the bracelet you were talking about getting for that outfit or something," you tell her.

"W-Why would you get me this?" she ask you. Not understanding why you would get it after that fight you both had.

"Just because," you tell her with a smile as you head to her door.

"(Name), I'm really sorry for what happened--"

"It's okay," you tell her as you walk back to her. You place a hand on top of her head, "You were only trying to help. Next time, tell me about it, okay?" you ask of her.

"I promise," she says with a smile.

"I would kiss your forehead but I don't know what stuff you put there so I'm heading to my room," you tell her as you walk out out of her room. You close the door behind you and make your way to your room.

You close the door behind you and get change into your pyjamas. You plug your phone and you were going to lay on your bed until your phone vibrates, letting you know you got a notification. You check it to see it was a text from Oikawa.

Did you get home safely?

You couldn't help but smile. You text back as you walk to your bed and lay down.

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