|21| The Burden Of The Hero

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"And they all happily ever after!" Emily, the girl who has a crush on Mark, says in front of the class with a smile.

"Great story, Joo," the teacher says with a smile as she grades Emily on her project. Everyone clapped for her. She walks to her seat that was right in front of Mark. She looks at him and notices how he's looking at his paper.

Mark looks anxious but also very tired. Emily was going to say something until her teacher spoke, "(Your Last Name), your turn. You're the last one that's going to present for today," she says.

Mark sighs and stands up. He goes to the front of the class and faces them while holding his paper. The project is just to tell a story that you created. The main subject...

A hero...

"Whenever you're ready," she says but it wasn't an option. People just say that to seem nice but you're on the clock. You're always on the clock.

Mark looks at his paper. The story is there. The story you helped him make. It's really interesting, the jokes are funny. You and Jia-Li helped him with the presentation. Your father even helped with his Japanese.

He's ready for this presentation but ever since the incident you had at the mall... He started to overthink and wonder if you're okay or what even happened.

All he knows is that you suddenly ran, you wouldn't answer any calls which worried him and Jia-Li. He was about to cry wondering if you were okay but then you texted Jia-Li, telling her how you felt really sick. How you got food poising or something and that you needed to go home.

He knew that was a lie.

He knew his sister knew that was a lie.

Yuji didn't know much but was worried.

His father called saying how he was going to pick you up and if they need a ride home. He say they did. His father came with the car, they all got to the back seat but they saw you sitting next to your father. There were tears in your eyes but you were sleeping.

Your father told them to be quiet and it was a quiet ride back home. He dropped Yuji home. He thanked his uncle for the ride and then your father took the kids home.

You woke up but went straight to your room after greeting your mother who asked you if you had a good time which you said yes to. You told her you were tired and wanted to go to bed. No one heard another word from you after that.

The next day, you were sick and the day after that too. Now you're missing school as your mother is taking you to the doctor as she's worried.

He looks at the paper at his hand, he just needs to read this but he looks at the title.

The Small Hero.

You see, this story you helped write with your brother was mostly supposed to be about him. Your brother is small for his age but he's growing and the story is about a Hero who has been made fun of his whole life but one day raises. It a funny but beautiful story.

Mark looks at his classroom. He takes a deep breath. Puts his paper down. He doesn't need it. "The title of my story is..." he looks at his hand which you wrote on this morning.

You can do it! I believe in you!

Mark smiles and looks at the class again, "The title of my story is... The Burden of The Hero..."

Everyone looked at him confusedly. They didn't understand why that was the title. Hero don't have burdens, right? I mean, they're the Heroes everyone looks up to. They're living every kids dreams.

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