chapter 02

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in between their breakfast taehyung nervously glace up at the ravenette who was checking some emails from companies while doing breakfast

taehyung didn't like it, he never had liked how jeongguk always put his work over everything even his food---

he looked down at his own plate, he gulps slightly wondering how to start conversation? and ask jeongguk his permission?

taking a deep breath he finally stutter out----

" Jeongguk-k"

he only get a small hum and nod in response

"I---" taehyung hesitantly start "uhm jiminie--"

immediately jeongguk's head shot up, looking directly at taehyung with blank face

"he came back yesterday-y from America----can i-i, can I go meet him?"

taehyung get more nervous when jeongguk didn't said anything, instead he keep looking at him with blank look

"he's your friend if you want to meet him then you can go"

after whole a minute jeongguk said, tearing his gaze away from taehyung as he again focus on his work

"when are you going to meet him?"


jeongguk sigh before looking up at his clueless husband----

"when are you going to meet him taehyung?"

"oh, ah today's afternoon? yeah"

"okay but come back home before it's get dark---"

jeongguk said looking down at his phone again---taehyung's whole face lit up hearing this small remark from jeongguk

and damn, jeongguk missed to seeing his face beaming with happiness____

or perhaps he did saw.


"tae!" a overjoyed jimin jumped at taehyung as soon he saw his bestfriend

"oh my god i fucking missed you so damned much!" he cried out ignoring the people around them

"jiminie, I can't breathe-e" taehyung said coughing in between

"oh shit, I am sorry tae!" jimin immediately loosen his grip around taehyung's smiling sheepishly "though I missed you alot so couldn't control myself"

"I missed you too jiminie" taehyung giggles as they both settled down at their seats, taehyung took off his coat keeping it on his side

" I already ordered your favourite donuts and strawberry shake" jimin grin mischievously

"thank you so much, and c'mon tell me how's your studying going there---doctor park" taehyung teasingly asked making jimin laugh slightly

" everything is perfectly going well, if I ignore the fact that tones of books I'm reading for the finals---"

"keep it up jimin ah just this final exams then you will get your degree mr. doctor" taehyung giggled

"Yeah i can't wait" jimin sigh loudly " when you will meet him" a teasing smile come to his face seeing taehyung gasp

"who?!" taehyung exclaimed

"maybe my someone special" taehyung start squealing

"I wanna meet him! what's his name?"

"calm down--- tae we have all time to introduce him to you, and until you meet I'm not telling you anything about him"

taehyung groaned glaring at his at his grinning bestfriend, as meantime their oder come---

but taehyung's mind was drifting somewhere else he get lost while biting down his lips unconsciously---

"what do you want to ask tae" jimin ask instead knowing very well his bestfriend's habit, he always bit his lip when he felt nervous to ask something

" do you still meet them? how they are doing?"

taehyung curiously ask looking jimin with hopeful eyes--- shattering jimin's heart as he sighed sadly

"i met them months ago, when they came to New York for some business meeting---heard that namjoon hyung and Jin hyung is getting an award for best marketing company"

"really!" taehyung exclaimed after hearing about his brothers, who lives in America currently.

"yeah, and jin hyung is seeing someone, though he is still not sure, while namjoon hyung still busy with work"

"don't they call you tae?"

taehyung smile sadly "they do but they only ask about me, never share about their lives--"

"they are still not over from uncle's death and your marriage, it's still hard for them to accept your marriage---"

"and they are not wrong tae, you know that, who will like to see their brother getting married to a person who maybe never can give you a life you deserve"

"dad choose him jimin he knows my better---"

"no he didn't tae, jeongguk is not the one for you! and your brothers know that, I know that, he never can be a person who will love you or even care about you!"


" tell me tae do your so called husband care about you now? or he still treat you like past three years, and no tae---he can never change, he is a heartless person____"

"jimin!" taehyung yelled cutting of his bestfriend who just realised he said too much out of anger---

"you don't know him! you don't know anything about him so don't you dare to say anything about my husband!"

"--- I know he doesn't show his emotions but that doesn't mean he heartless"

"he's not heartless, just cold because I--- I ruin his dreams, he was forced but still he never look down at me, yeah he gets mad even in small things and say somethings which he never meant---"

"but he is not a bad person, I know my hearts knows, he care, deep down in his heart he cares about me and___"

taehyung looked firmly, sternly at jimin, as he get up ready to leave, jimin stood up hurriedly---

"don't insult my husband front of me! I won't tolerate it" he turned around leaving the cafe with fast big steps in anger

"tae! listen to me---" jimin run behind him panicking slightly

"tae I didn't meant to--"

"tae" jimin breaths out seeing taehyung halting little far from him--- he sigh in relief thinking maybe taehyung decides to listen---

but his heart stop, as horror and panick runs down to his spine when he saw taehyung losing his consciousness----

his body hitting the hard groud in very next moment----



If some things are confusing then don't worry I'll clear everything with upcoming chapters.

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