chapter 20

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jeongguk nervously stood outside of his bedroom, waiting for doctor park to come out and let him know about his husband's condition----

while his eyes give mere glance to the blonde haired male, who came along with doctor park while looking panicked, the said male still was pacing around, rubbing his palm together in anxiousness

he don't know how jimin know about taehyung, so oddly not hiding his curious ness he finally decided to ask jimin about it

"how did you know about taehyung?"

Jimin's step halts as his head snapped towards the ravenette, before his eyes thrown a irritated glare at him

"because I don't trust you, I knew you wouldn't inform me if something happens to him----" jimin harshly replied not minding to sugar coat anything, why would he, though he was being honest

"-----so I insist doctor park to inform me immediately whenever something happen"

jeongguk frowned not liking the way jimin was talking, yes he don't like the blonde haired for an obviously-oblivious reason

but he knows the blonde haired really cared about his husband, his behavior, his affection show it everytime---

he don't know why jimin thinks like this, but since it's related to his husband the ravenette couldn't help but replied back to jimin

"why you think like this, I surely don't like you but I know taehyung is important to you too-----"

"oh that's why you call me when he fainted!" jimin sarcastically snapped, out of anger glaring at jeongguk

"I wasn't thinking anything other than calling doctor!" jeongguk gritted out, clenching his fist tightly----

jimin scoffed out loudly turning away from ravenette, the reason jeongguk give was quite understanding, however jimin can't bring himself to not get mad at other

he really despise the latter, ever since he knows how his best friend was never get treated right by the man who was claiming to be his husband

'husband my foot' jimin thought trying to not say his thoughts out loud to start other argument with jeongguk

he has more important things to worry, he has more important person to worry about----

as a cue the door fell open revealing seojoon who looks calm which somehow managed to make jimin less tensed

"how's he?" jeongguk cut of jimin who was going to ask the same worrying question

"he is fine now, I give him injection which will make his body relax and it will help him to sleep properly"

Jeongguk finally breaths out of in relief, running his hand over his hair----

he is fine----

"but what happened hyung" jimin asked, in few meetings they both had developed a good respectful bond between them, and jimin genuinely saw a brother figure in, seojoon.

"it's happen sometimes jimin---" seojoon murmured sighing softly "it happen when mesothelioma start approaching it's last stage---"

jimin's heart immediately dropped as his face went pale, his hands start to sweats

"last-t stage---" jimin stuttered nervously wanting to denial the statement

"calm down, there is still some time before last stage start---" seojoon sadly tried to assured jimin

"he is dying and you are assuring us to calm down!" jeongguk snapped furiously glaring at seojoon

"if you can't treat him, then be clear doctor park, I'll take him to USA, or other best specialist in the world"

jeongguk don't what irked him more, seojoon words or the truth that taehyung is nearing his last stage----

but whatever it was, it surely left jeongguk heart ached and scared

"go ahead Mr jeon, if you want to take him to other countries, then you can but let me clear this to you, this disease is incurable, however in Mr jeon's case, not even the worlds best oncologist can cure it!"

seojoon firmly said, not liking the way jeongguk disrespect him, but he sighed out softly trying to control his rage as he turned around putting his hand over jeongguk's shoulder

"I know it must be hard to handle, and I understand your emotions but you have to accept it"

jeongguk bit down his lips, as his tears threatened to fall out of his eyes, causing him to shut his eyes tightly---

as jimin choked out a helpless sobs crying his face----

"why taehyung? Just why?" jimin cried out for his best friend, his best friend never harmed anyone  never did something wrong, then why God is so unfair to him?

seojoon sympathetically look at both of them---

"be strong guys, if not for yourself then, be strong for him"


be strong guys and keep reading :')

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