chapter 39

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taehyung hums along with the soft music playing while he see the passing scenery with a small smile, as jeongguk had said they are driving through the highways, leaving the busy crowd city behind

He still don't know where his husband is taking him, but he isn't complaining--- he is ready to go with jeongguk anywhere as long as he stay besides him

and who doesn't like long drive with their love ones though? specially when weather is so peacefully beautiful.

it was cloudy day with soft breeze flowing around, the sun was yet ti rise due the cold weather, however it was just as the brunette likes, not too dull or bright, perfect mixture off calmness.

" are you feeling tired?"

taehyung's thoughts break out hearing the ravenette's voice, turning his head towards his husband taehyung softly shakes his head "no I'm fine--" he smiled eyes meeting with latter

jeongguk hums glancing at the brunette with a sigh, he really hopes taehyung like the place where they are going---

talking about the anonymous place, jeongguk gets alert seeing the said place coming closer, observing the ravenette's behavior taehyung too look ahead seeing a large wooden gate coming in their view

taehyung confusingly stare at the closed gate as jeongguk stopped car front of it, "wait a minute--" saying that jeongguk was quick to get out of the car leaving an oblivious taehyung behind

and soon the usual cold blank look was back on ravenette's face, as he walked towards the gate, his sharp eyes looks up at the screen above on the corner of wall, and it took only few minutes when gate was open

a middle aged worker bows front of him, taehyung frowned seeing jeongguk talking to the aged man while before he turned back walking towards him---

taehyung's eyes followed his husband each steps before the said male stand front of him, swiftly opening the door as he extended his hand " let's go inside--" jeongguk smiled holding the brunette's hand softly

taehyung mindlessly nods getting out the car, shivering a bit when a cold breeze pass through them, jeongguk frowned tugging the lose muffler around taehyung's neck wrapping it carefully around him

a bashful smile appears on taehyung's face as he hope, jeongguk won't notice his red cheeks---

jeongguk runs his eyes over his husband properly making sure he is warm before he intertwined their hands, walking towards the larger gate

hope he loves what I'm going to show him---

that was the only thing running inside his mind, as with fast beating heart jeongguk takes taehyung inside

while the brunette's eyes was wandering around at the surrounding cluelessly until he finally saw it

the sight front of him---

dandelion field----

a loud gasp escape from his lips eyes widened at the beautiful and rare sight.

jeongguk's nervous eyes roam over his husband's shocked face, anxiety filling his mind, it's not something extraordinary, he don't even know why he took taehyung here---

all he wants was some time with his husband, away from city, somewhere no one sees them--

" Do you like it?" he whispered slowly after not getting any reaction from taehyung "I know it's not something special, just a place filled with some white flowers" he curse himself for rambling

taehyung look at jeongguk with bewilderment "jeongguk-k--" he breaths out turning to look at the field again "it's so beautiful--" he whispered smiling at the sight "and special too" adding the said word taehyung tug jeongguk ahead

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